Lexie (part 1)

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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 7 am

I came home after my usual patrol at 2 am and Superman still wasn't at home. I started to get worried, but I trusted him if he injured he'd call for help, so I went to bed and tried to sleep. When I woke up at 7 am I was very relieved when I saw Calrk sleeping next to me. I was watching him for a few minutes when I realized that I'm staring and that I have to take the boys to school.

"Clark, good morning. How are you?" I woke him up after I checked on our sons.
"Morning. I had a lot to think about and I have to say, that my mother was right about you" he said as he stood up, so he could look directly into my eyes. I didn't like the sound of that. His mother didn't like me very much and last time we met we argued very badly.
"What do you mean?" I asked carefully.
"I mean, that you always put your work first and you can never relax. But that's one of the things I love so much about you. You want to help Selina and Joker and I understand it, don't worry, I won't argue with you about them anymore" he smiled at me kindly and gave me a gentle kiss. I was quiet surprised.
"So, that's it? You're okay with it?"
"Well, I would be glad if you could find a place to Selina, but I think I can live with Joker. He isn't your ex-boyfriend, is he?" he asked jokingly and I finally relaxed. He was really okay with it.
"No, he isn't... Thank you, for understanding me"
"Anytime. Love you" he kissed me again and I could hardly get enough of him. It almost hurt me physically when I had to let him go.
"Love you too. Oh, I almost forgot about one thing. Lex Luthor and his wife are coming over for dinner tonight"
"You'll discuss about bussiness again or just a friendly dinner?" he asked with a grimace.
"A bit of both. I have an idea, but I'll need his help to make it real"
"Fine, but it could be awkward very fast, I hope you know that"
"Dick called me yesterday and he said they are coming over this evening"
"No problem"
"And how'll you explain the Joker situation?"
"I don't know yet, but I don't think it'll be a problem. I already sent a message to the journals and all of them will bring down that Joker is under Bruce Wayne's protection. It won't be a surprise to none of them"
"I hope you're right. Let's make breakfast for the kids"

~Later that night~

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Batsy?" Joker asked as he was nervously checking his new clothes in the mirror. He looked quiet gorgeous. He was still very white, but he didn't use any make up on his face anymore and his green hair also looked very shiny.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine. It's just Lex and Dick and their wifes. Nothing to worry about" I put my hand on his shoulder and he took a deep breath to calm down.
"You're right. Nothing to worry about. Let's get over it" he turned to me and we went downstairs together where Clark was already waiting for us.

"Jack, you look very good! Who thought that under your makeup you look very normal?" Clark gave me a quick kiss before I disappeared in the kitchen to check on everything for the last time.
"Thank you, Clark. No one arrived yet?" he asked worried again.
"Kory texted me a few minutes ago that they'll arrive in ten minutes, but I don't know anything about Luthor"
"Could you please call him on his first name for this night please?" I came back to them and joined in the conversation.
"Could you ever call Joker Jack?" he answered me with another question and I had to admit that he had the point.
"True, but it was awkward the last time, too. His wife knows nothing about his history. I say this to you too, Joker. Don't mention anything about his dark bussinesses!"
"I won't"
"Thank you" I said when the entrance suddenly opened and Dick and Kory entered.

"Dad, Clark, good to see you..." Dick suddenly stopped when he saw Joker standing beside us. "What is he doing here?" he put his hand in his pocket and as I could guess he was reaching for a weapon.
"He resurrected from death and he's healty now"
"Are you out of your mind?! You let him stay here with you?! He is your worst enemy!" Dick looked like he'll attack Joker at any moment so I stepped between them.
"He was, but not anymore. Give him a chance" I grabbed his arm and he pulled out it from his pocket without a weapon and sighed.
"Fine, but just because I trust you, father" he stepped back and sat down at the table. I could hear Joker's relieved sigh.
"I'm glad to hear you're alright now. I hope we'll have a pleasent evening" Kory shook hands with him for his biggest surprise, then sat down next to Dick.

A few minutes later Lex and his wife arrived too. The woman looked a bit pale when she saw Joker, but she didn't say anything.

We started the dinner at 8 o'clock. Superman and Dick sat beside me, next to Clark were Joker and Amelia (Lex's wife) and on the other side of the table there sat Kory, next to Dick and Lex. We didn't talk too much, only small talk. We were having the dessert when finaly Joker broke the ice and started a conversation.

"So Lexie, what are you up to these days? Did you invent something worthfull?"
"All my inventions are worthfull, you clown" Lex responded irritated which made Joker flinch.
"I'm sorry, you're right, but could you please call me Jack? I'm not the Joker anymore and I would be honored if we could keep up our old friendship like in the old days" Lex looked like as if Joker punched him in the face and Amelia looked at them confused.
"What do you mean as in the old days?" she looked paler than ever and her voice was shaking from anger. She looked like she's gonna faint out in any moment.

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