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Clark's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 11 pm

I've been pacing in our room up and down. I wasn't worried about Bruce getting hurt. I was worried what happens if he cross the line. If he kills Jason. If he did it, even I won't be able to control him.

I was too nervous to stay in the room, so I went downstairs and waited him there. I already cleaned the room and put Alfred in his bed. The police will come here tomorrow because they don't have enough people because of the strike.

I didn't have to wait for Bruce too much after I came down. He stepped in around half past eleven. He was bloody from the bottom to the top. I frozed down and stared at him shocked. He closed the door behind him and just stood there and stare at me. Every second seemed like an eternity while we were facing each other like that.

"I didn't kill him" he said in his deep, scary, batman voice and stepped closer. He pulled down his mask and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked as if he aged ten years in an instant. I went to him and hugged him tightly. "Careful" he said and I leaned away a bit, but I didn't let him go.
"Why? Are you hurt?" I asked worried and scanned him for injuires, but he put his hand on my neck and kissed me.
"No, you're getting bloody" he said and I relieved.
"I don't care" I kissed him and we sat down on the couch. "What did you do to him?"
"I broke both of his arms, his left shin, his right ankle, five of his ribs and he had a concussion"
"Are you sure he'll survive it?"
"He already got many followers, they'll take care of him. He deserved it" he said darkly. I didn't know what to say, I pulled him closer to me. "I want to go to sleep" he said suddenly.
"Alright" I released him and we both stood up.
"Without you, you know where" he said and my heart skipped a beat.
"Bruce..." he cut me off.
"Only tonight" he said and I couldn't say no to his request. He kissed me on the cheek and went upstairs. He slept on the floor in his parernts' room again. But this time, I slept next to him.

Gotham, Wayne Manor 9 am

The police officers finished their work and took Alfred's body to examine it. Bruce was very calm and polite, he wore his 'Bruce Wayne, the billionaire' poker face. After the officers left the house, Bruce organised a press conference and told everything. Barbara Gordon stayed with us and confirmed Bruce's words.

From that moment Jason Todd/Red Hood was wanted for murder.

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