The kiss

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Jonathan's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 7 pm

I had been trying to speak with Bruce, but the time was never right. I wanted to ask him about my powers because my father didn't tell me anything. He said that Bruce did a complet examination about my powers and I have to ask him about them.

The problem was that he was too busy. Christmas is coming and he had a lot of stuff going on with his company with new projects and the end of the year. He was barely at home at night too because the criminals started to get wilder and wilder to decide who will be the next 'Prince of Crime' in Gotham since Joker is dead.

I decided to ask him today after dinner, while he and Damian are in the cave to get ready for patrolling.

"Hey, Bruce. Can I ask a question?"
"Sure, anything you want" Bruce said while he was pulling on his gloves. I swallowed a big and looked at Damian. I was a little nervous, but Damian nodded encouragingly and I took a deep breath and asked the question.
"I'm half kryptonian and I wondered if I have any powers. Dad told me that you examined me when I was younger. Can I see the results?"
"Sure. Follow me" Bruce said and turned on the computer. Me and Damian followed him and looked at the screen. "I forgot my mask upstairs, I'll be back in a minute" he said as he went to the elevator and left us alone.

"Wow, that's very impressive" Damian said as he read through the results. "Superstrenght, superspeed, heat vision, and so on, and so on. You could be the next Superman when your dad grow old"
"Yeah, great. I will stand out even more than before" I turned around and sat on the examination table. Damian sat beside me and looked at me thoughtfully.
"If you're worried about your new school, you're right. It will be harder than before. Everyone knows who you are and this is not Smallville, but Gotham" he said darkly and I looked at him a bit scared and confused. "Don't worry, I'll be there to help you. If you managed to get me to like you, you won't have a hard time with the others either, trust me" he smiled at me and I smiled back thankfully. Involuntarily, I leaned closer to him.
"I trust you" I whispered and the next moment we were kissing. I wanted to lean into the kiss more, but as quickly as it happened, it was over. Damian leaned away, almost scared and jumped down from the table.
"This was a mistake. Forgive me" he said and rushed to the elevator before I could say anything.

I don't know how lond did I sat there before Bruce found me and sat down beside me. We just sat there in silence for a while before he spoke up.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked gently and I decided to tell him. I didn't have anybody to talk about this and I didn't want my father to know about it yet.
"Damian and I kissed" I waited for his reaction, but he didn't say anything, just gave me an understanding look. "He broke the kiss and said that it was a mistake than rushed out" I finished the story and tears gathered in my eyes from the memories.
"Who kissed who?" Bruce asked calmly.
"I-I don't really know. Probably him" the first tear fell down my face and the others followed. Poor Bruce didn't realy know what to do, but he clumsily put his arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I leaned my head against his chest and cried.
"This was your firts kiss?" he asked quietly after a while, after I calmed down a little. I only nodded. "Do you like him?" I nodded again. We sat in silence again for a few minutes.
"Well, I'll go talk to him" he said and suddenly he stood up and started to walk towards the elevator.
"Wait, don't tell him that I like him! And please don't say anything about this to dad" I went after him and he turned back to face me.
"I promis. Don't worry, everything will be alright. Oh, and one more thing. There will be a Christmas Charity ball tomorrow night and we're all going" he smiled at me then he entered the elevator and went upstairs.

Bruce's pov

As I suspected before, Damian and Jonathan liked each other, but Damian acted quiet strange. I decided to delay my patrol tonight and talk to Damian first. I knocked on his door, but he didn't answer. I tried it once more, but after two minutes I entered.

He was lying in his bed and blankly stared at the ceiling. Probably, he didn't even hear that I knocked. I sat on the edge of his bed and shook his shoulders. He sat up frightened, but he quickly relaxed when he saw that it was only me.

"Oh, hi Bruce. You need my help?" he asked like nothing happened.
"No, I want to know more about that kiss" I said and he fell back in his bed and stared at the ceiling again.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, I just want to know what happened" I said calmly, waiting for his answer.
"Well, I kissed him, but I realized that it was a mistake and pulled away" he said lifelessly.
"Why was it a mistake?" I asked curiously.
"Do you remember the girl I told you about? That's why" he said irritated.
"Damian, you can't live in a shell because of one mistake. We're going to the Christmas Charity ball tomorrow. Give yourself another chance" I said and left him there to think about what I said.

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