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(I guess it's very obvious that I didn't write anything about Superman and Batman and the new family member for a while now, but it'll change now. I'll returne to the main storyline, but I'll try not to leave behind jondami either. I hope I'll be able to manage this. Have a nice day and enjoy the chapter!)

Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 5 am

I couldn't believe that the same thing happened as thirteen years ago. I almost missed my second son's birth. Fortunately, I was there in time and now me and Clark were both watching the sleeping baby in Clark's arms. He was so small and fragile. It was such a long time ago when we had a baby like him in this house. I missed the feeling of it very much.

"What should we name him? We can name him after your father this time" Clark whispered to not to wake up the sleeping child.
"I don't want to name him Thomas. You can choose a name for him" I hugged him from behind and rested my chin on his shoulder.
"What do you think about Brad?"
"That's a horrible name. Next" I said without hesitation and he looked at me in disbelieve.
"Okay, than what about Jack?" he asked and the shiver went down on my spine.
"Absolutely no"
"Then why don't you choose a name for him?" he asked outraged and annoyed. I guess it wasn't a good idea to annoy him when he was tired.
"Okay. What do you think about Jake?"
"Fine, whatever. He'll be Jake Wayne then" he sighed exhausted.
"What do you think about if you take a shower while I take Jake in his room then we rest for a few hours" I asked rubbing circles on his back to relax him and fortunately he agreed in.

I only slept two hours before I had to wake up again and take the lovebirds to school. I should really talk with them about their relationship. They hardly ever parted their lips from the other's.

When I arrived home a hungry crying baby waited me in his room. I checked on Clark, but he didn't wake up to the crying. I was always amazed at how deep sleeper he was.

I had just finished feeding the baby when Diana arrived.

"Hey, Bruce. Long time no see you" she entered and gave me a big bone crushing hug.
"Yeah, I've been busy lately"
"I can see that. Can I hold him?" she asked excitedly and I handed Jake over.
"Do you want a coffee? Please, sit down" I led her to the couch, but she didn't pay too much attention on me. She was too busy with playing with Jake.
"No, thanks" she answered finally.

I left them alone for a little, while I made myself a coffee in the kitchen. I didn't expected Diana coming over and I didn't want to fall asleep in the middle of the conversation.

"And what's up with the rest of the Wayne family?" I took a sip of my coffee. The hotness of the liquid ran through my body.
"Well, Jonathan and Damian is so in love with each other that I'm starting to get sick from them, Dick and Kory are planning their wedding, Clark will be able to return to his work in a week and I'll be alone with a baby and I'm very close to catch Jason. I think we are quite okay" I wandered and it was quite weird to say this out loud. I was okay. More than okay. I was happy with my family. I had wonderful kids (more or less) and an amazing husband.
"I'm happy to hear that" Diana smiled lovingly. "You deserve to be happy more than anybody I know"
"Then you should meet more people" she chuckled and gave me a disapproving look.

The next moment there was a knock on the door. I stood up and opened up the door.

"Dad! Good to see you. Where is my brother?" Dick eluded me after a quick hug and Kory entered behind him.
"I'd apologise for his behaviour if you weren't the one who raised him" Kory laughed and embraced me in a hug.
"It's always good to see you too, Kory" I said ironically.
"You too, Bruce" she said the same way as me. "Now, where is my brother-in-law?" she eluded me too and sat beside Diana and Dick on the couch.

I closed the door behind them and sat down on an armchair across from them and finished my coffee.

"May I ask how did you know that he had born?" they were all talking to the baby and made funny faces. For a moment I thought I have to repeat my question, but Dick answered me.
"Clark texted us four hours ago"
"I see" I rolled my eyes.

"I almost forgot to tell you the news! Jake is too cute" Diana slapped her forehead.
"What news?" I became tensed and worried. I knew the big happiness wouldn't take too long.
"Stargirl, Firestorm, Supergirl and Cyborg are going on their first mission in the space. They will be out there for 4 months" the air stucked in my lungs. Stargirl was like a daughter to me.
"I didn't know about it. How did I not know about it?" I was one of the founding members and I should know about every mission like this.
"We didn't want to bother you two with things like this. Don't worry! They're the perfect choice for this mission. You should trust in them more" Diana scolded me, but she could never understand what I felt.
"She's like a daughter for me and she'll be out in space for 4 months. I'm worried for her"
"Don't worry for her, Bruce. She's one of our best fighters and she can take care of herself. Everything will be all right, okay?" Clark came down on the stairs and gave me a soft kiss to relax me. It helped more or less.
"I'll try. When do they leave?" Clark sat in my lap so I could only look at Diana next to him.
"In a weak. I don't know for sure"

Our guests stayed for lunch, so we ordered from a close restaurant. After lunch we wanted to sit back on the couches, but Clark hold me back.

"You should go to sleep" he whispered into my ears.
"But I don't want to"
"Then you won't go on patrol this evening"
"But Red Hood..."
"I don't care Bruce. Go upstairs and sleep a few hours before you go for the boys" my sleeping habbits always makes him agressive and overprotective.
"Fine, take care of the guests" I gave a kiss on his face as I walked towards the stairs.
"Good night"

(I'd like to apologise if some of you is called Brad or Jack. I didn't mean that these names are horrible, I chose random names, so please don't take this personally. Sorry if I had hurt your feelings. Have a nice day:))

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now