Red Hood

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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 7 pm

It all happened too fast. We were chating over the dinner. It seemed like Damian is finally enjoys something for once, but his brother had to ruin it. There was a big explosion and all the windows broke in. 

I jumped behind the table and Superman was covering Jonathan from the shards. The door opened and Jason walked in with guns in his hands and in a red mask. I stood up to him as the others except Jonathan because Superman wouldn't let him stand up.

"Well, well, well. So the rumours are true. Superman, the love of your life, retourned to you with your only son" he said while he was pointing his guns at me.
"Jonathan is not my only son, you're my son too, just like Dick and Damian" I tried to calm him down, but he didn't listen to me.
"Liar! You never loved me like you loved Dick or Jonathan! You just needed another Robin, you never cared about me!" he outraged. I needed to calm him down before someone gets hurt.
"That's not true. I..."
"Don't even start it. Dick was always your favourite and I could never beat your true son. Damian, if you listen to me, you run away from here as far as possible and as soon as you can"
"Jason, put those guns down and maybe we can discusse this. You're still my son and I don't want you to go down this road" I said as I stepped a bit closer to the table and secretly put a knife behind my back. I didn't want to hurt him, just make him drop the pistols.
"Don't you see it, Bruce? You made me go down this road and you'll pay the price" he said as he pulled the trigger.

It was like I was watching the things in slow motion. Damien tried to jump on Jason, but Dick hold him back while he was trying to keep Kori safe too. I saw the shock and horror on Superman as he turned to me, but he was too late.

I was pushed away by Alfred and the bullets went through his chest. I fell on the ground, but I immediately jumped up when I saw Alfred fall to the floor. I heard the others yelling after Jason, but I couldn't undrestand what they were saying. 

I laid Alfred's head into my lap and I felt as the tears started to run down on my face.

"Bruce" he barely whispered and I leaned closer to him to hear what he wanted to tell me.
"I'm here, Alfred. I'm so sorry. You'll recover, I promis, I'll..."
"Bruce, you're always a logical person. You know I won't survive this. I just want to tell you, that I was always proud of you. Your parents would be proud too. Don't let the darkness take over you. You're one of the greatest person who ever walked on the Earth and the world needs you. Not just Batman, but Bruce Wayne too. Maybe now you think you've failed as a parent, but I know you're a great dad. It's not just your fault that Jason turned out like this. Promise me that you won't kill him because of me"
"I promise" I was crying now and laid my forehead against his.
"Good. One more advice. Keep your family close to you. I'm asking you to bury me in the garden. And remember, I'll always be proud of you, son" he said and didn't move after that. 

His soul left his body and left me behind in the cold reality. I lost the only person who was the connection between me and my parents. I didn't know how long had I cried. I hold Alfred in my arms and just cried. I felt strong arms were holding me from behind. Clark let me cry into his neck as he send away the others.

After a while, I calmed down. Clark was still holding me close to himself. I took a deep breath and wiped the tears from my face. I let go Alfred and looked into Clark's eyes.

"This is all my faul" my tears started to fall again, but I wiped them away immediately.
"Bruce, you heard what Alfred said. You mustn't kill the boy or punish yourself" he said quietly and hugged me. I clunge to him as if I were drowning and he was the oxygen. My only light in the darkness.
"You're right. I mustn't kill the boy, but I can punish him" I said as I stood up and let the rage take over my body. Superman didn't stop me.

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now