Joker's village

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Joker's pov
Belvidere 6 am (It's a real city, but I've never been there and I just liked it's name)

"So, you want a job here?" the secretary asked me at the town hall.
"Yes and I want to move here. My name is Nate Jackson" I wanted to shake hands with her, but she didn't accept it. She looked at me quiet suspicious.
"Right... This sounds just like a made up name. You came from Gotham, didn't you?" she wasn't rude, but she was very strict and clever so I had to be very careful.
"Yeah, that's true. I ran away and I don't want somebody to find me. I don't want anything bad just want to ask for a job" I looked at her with pleading eyes and finally managed to break the ice.
"Fine, you can start tomorrow and because I don't have a roommate, you can come to my place until you find an appartement for yourself"
"Thank you, you won't regret your decision" I smiled at her and she finally shook hands with me.
"I hope so. Oh, and by the way, my name is Clare"
"Nice to meet you Clare. You can call me Nate"


Belvidere was a nice little town with big family houses and gardens. Most of the city dwellers were farmers and made money from selling their good to the big markets in Gotham. I always wanted to live here after I defeat Batman, but things didn't turn out that way. Anyway, it was still a nice place to stay and hide from my nemesis.

I went in a diner and ordered myself a lunch. While I was waiting for my food I was watching the news in the TV.
"We just got information about the attack on Metropolis. It seems like Superman and the Justice Leauge have another enemy from space. This is the third alien attack on the city in a week. This is the rekord of the year" the announcer reported and I couldn't help, but roll my eyes. I watch the short videos and pictures the televison played and I unintentionally searched for the Dark Knight. I watched as Bruce flew between skyscrapers and took down dozen of lizard-like aliens. He was like a death angel, but I always admired him because of this. Somehow I admire him more since I know his alterego. It's incredible how can he shift between his alteregos.

"There you go, my dear. Enjoy your meal!" a fat, but lovely lady put down my lunch on the table and smiled down at me. "Are you here for a visit or you plan to stay longer?"
"I don't know for sure yet, but I hope so" I answered her jokingly and tasted my soup. It was delicious.
"And where did you come from. I would bet you came from the city"
"Well, you're right. I came from the city" I thought there's no point to lie anymore. It wasn't a big town, the gossips spread fast anyway.
"You're hiding from the police or from somebody else?" she asked tensely and I felt that other people's eyes on me too. They were obviously eavesdropping.
"Something like that" I muttered. As I expected she looked confused, but she didn't ask more questions. The other guests are also turned back to their meals. Sometimes they glanced at me, but I tried to ignore them.

"Hey, I'm Gabrielle, nice to meet you. Welcome to our town" a brown haired woman in her thirties sat down to my table in front of me and held out her hand to shake it. I accepted it, but I was suspicious.
"I'm Nate"
"I heard you'll work at the mayor's office with Clare. I'm a farmer, me and my family has a big apple tree plantation outside of the town. I am planning to go there. I'd like you to join me if you want" she said with only one breath and I needed a moment to process her words.
"Sure, I don't see why not. Maybe you can show me the rest of the town too?" I asked as I took another bite of my food which started to get cold.
"Of course. Eat your lunch and we can go then" she smiled and laid back on her chair waiting for me to finish.

While I was eating she didn't said a word and it was quite awkward. I tried to eat faster, but I never been a fast eater. It still took me twenty minutes to eat my meal. I paid for the lunch and we entered the main street together.

We were walking in silence until we didn't reach the town's border. Gabrielle looked very serious and I didn't dare to talk, I was affraid she might figure out who am I.

"Come on, this way" she turned left and we were walking on a little forest path. After a few minutes we were out from the trees and arrived to the apple tree plantation. There were at least two hundred apple trees and all of them were full with half ripe fruits. Gabrielle started to wander around the plantation and I followed her. "You know, this is my favourite place in the whole world. If something happen to it I would never forgive to anyone who hurt my trees our my town" she turned to me with a threatening voice. "You're from Gotham and we all know what kind of people they are. If you ruin anything we'll send you back to them where you belong" she said and I had to gulp.
"I understood, but you don't have to worry about me. I just want a normal and quiet life" I said honestly and I knew she believed me because she smiled.
"Alright, then I'll help you with anything you need" her smile was so warm and honest that I finally felt like I found my place where I had to be.

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now