Charity ball

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(Sorry, this chapter got a little too long)

Damian's pov

Gotham, Town Hall 9 pm

I thought a lot about what Bruce had said to me during the night, but I couldn't make a decision. When the morning came I was sure what should I do. Jonathan sat at the dinning table and laughed about something. He was adorable. I decided to take Bruce's advice.

The breakfast was a bit awkward, but the lunch was fine. Bruce helped a lot, but I think Superman was quiet confused. Probably, he didn't know about anything which surprised me. I thought Bruce tells him everything.

I spoked to Jonathan before we got in the car.

"Hey, you look good in a suit" I stopped next to him and he jumped a little because he didn't hear I was coming.
"Hey, thanks. You also look good, but you're always in a suit" he said and we both burst out laughing.
"Listen, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. Can we forget about it and just continue our friendship like nothing happened?" I asked unsure about his answer. He thought about it for a moment and forced a smile on himself while he answered.
"Of course. Let's forget about it" he said and then we got in the car and Bruce drove us to the Town Hall.

It was a quiet impressive building, but I never really liked it. It reminded me of the corrupt system we are fighting against. Now it was like a beautiful Winter Wonderland. In my oppinion it was much better this way. And more useful.

Bruce and Superman walked inside before us and we followed them in silence. After Bruce gave the waiter the invitation we could go anywhere we want. I looked around for familiar faces, but Jonathan looked quiet lost.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I walked back to him. Bruce and Superman already disappeared in the crowd to search for Diana.
"Yeah, just there are too many people" he said tensed. I stepped to him and grabbed his hand.
"Just stay with me. I think I saw some of my friends at the bar. I'll introduce you to them" I said and pulled him after me across the crowd.

When we reached the bar counter a brother and a sister greeted me.

"Damian! Finally! I told you he'll be here so it wasn't pointless to sneak out" the redhead girl said and gave me a quick hug.
"Yes, you were right as always. Come here budy" the boy said and we shook hands.
"Good to see you guys, I knew you'd come. Let me introduce you to somebody" I said and pointed at Jonathan. "He's Jonathan. He just moved into the Manor"
"Nice to meet you, Jonathan. We heard a lot about you. I'm Rose, by the way and this is my big brother, Dave" the girl said as she shook hands with Jonathan.
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry, but I didn't hear anything about you" he said embarrassed.
"Damian you didn't tell him anything? What kind of brother are you? I'm very disappointed in you" Rose said jokingly.
"We're Flash and Green Lanter's children and we're members of the Young Justice" Dave said and Jonathan looked at them in complete shock.
"You're superheroes too?"
"We're not superheroes yet. We're more like trainees or students" he explained.
"Cool! And do you have superpowers?" he asked excited. He was so cute like this.
"Of course! We're as fast as dad" Dave said.
"Maybe even faster" Rose winked playfully and grabbed Jonathan's hand. "Do you want to dance? I love this song" she dragged away Jonathan from us and they disappeared in the crowd. I tried to catch Jonathan's other arm, but I wasn't fast enough.
"Argh, I hate it when she doing things like this" I muttered under my breath annoyed and Dave patted my back.
"Don't worry, he'll be okay" he said, but I wasn't so sure about that.

Clark's pov

I was talking with Diana. I missed a lot during the twelve years and she was the only one who visited me in Smallville, but she never said anything about Bruce.

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now