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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 10 am

Clark and Jonathan went out to spend the day together and Damian was at the Watchtower. He had training day with the Young Justice members. Finally, I could enjoy some alone time too. I didn't have to work, so I wanted to train before I go to meet with Lex in Metropolis for lunch.

But the things rarely work out for me when it's about relaxing, so I had to put aside all my plans when someone pressed my doorbell.

Dick, Kori and two teenegers entered the mansion. They looked very exhausted and dirty, but I didn't ask anything, just showed them the bathroom and gave them some food.

"Thanks, dad. We won't be here for too long. We have to keep moving before they catch us" Dick greeted me after having shower which he needed very much.
"Who is 'they'?" I asked interested as I handed him a cup of hot coffee.
"Crazy satanists and my mother" the pale girl with dark hair answered as she stepped to Dick and took a sip from his coffee.
"I see. And who are you again?" I asked quite lost. I don't like things what I don't understand.
"She's Rachel. Her guardian mother had been killed by these satanists and she had dreams about me. I promised that I'll protect her" my ward explained.
"Okay, as I can see it's not going well"
"Yeah, you can say that. We almost died several times" the green haired boy said who just came down with Kori.
"And who is he?"
"He's Gar. Shape shifter" Dick said like it was just a normal day for him, but I was very surprised I didn't hear about him before. "Where are the others?"
"Damian with the Young Justice, Clark and Jonathan are spending the day together somewhere. I planed to have lunch with Lex, but I cancelled it"
"What? Why?" Dick asked worried about me.
"Because you burst through my door with two orphan teeneger, dirty, tired and hungry!"
"Yes, good point. And thank you" Dick embraced me and didn't let me go for a minute.
"Alright Dick, that's enough. You should sleep for a few hours then we can talk about your plan" I escaped from his arms and led them into their rooms.

Dick came down around three o'clock. I had been working on a new tracking system, but I put it aside when I heard his steps behind me.

"What are you working on?" he asked smiling curiously.
"Just a new tracking device we're working on with Lex. So, tell me about this mess you got yourself into"
"Well, my colleges brought in Rachel when she tried to escape from a satanist and asked for my help"
"And you promised help because...? And why are these evil satanists after her?"
"Because she is the daughter of the biggest demon and these satanists want to bring her father to the Earth"
"And why would they do that?"
"Just the usual. New world order, blablabla" he shrugged and admired a half complete gas granate. I took it from him before he blow us.
"And what's the plan to stop the word destruction?"
"They can't bring here the demon without Rachel, so I have to protect her for another week, until the Blood Moon ends"
"I've always hated magic" I sighed and gave him a sympathetic look.
"Tell me about it" he sighed too and jumped on his old tightrope and made some stunts. I watched him in silence, until he turned back to me. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure. What's the problem?"
"When we first met... did you know?" I looked at him confused.
"I knew what?"
"That we'll be a good team" he said and jumped down in front of me.
"I felt that you're a good kid and I knew I can trust you. I didn't want you to be my partner in crime at first, but I didn't regret I let you do it. I could always count on you. I don't know if it has anything to do with first impression, but you spend some very hard days with your new team and you should know by now if you can trust in them or not" Dick remained in silence after my speech and thought about what I said.
"Thanks, I think you're right. I trust them. We saved each other's life several times"
"Well then, if that's all..." I wanted to go back to my work, but Dick didn't let me.
"Just one more thing. What do you think about Rachel?" I admired him thoughtfully and answered him very carefully.
"I think she's very important for you. You're like a big brother for her. Luckily, you already have a lot of experience in this role" I patted his shoulder and headed towards my desk, but Dick pulled be back again.
"Yes, but you were there for the boys beside me. Rachel has no one except me, Kori and Gar"
"I won't adopt her" I said before he could finish.
"I didn't mean to get into that"
"Okay, than what's your point?"
"I-I don't really know. I'm responsible for her and sometimes it scares me" he sat up on the examination table and looked down at the floor. It looks like all my sons like to sit there and feel under the weather.
"You know what scared me the most in my whole life? When you disappeared in the night on my motorbike, in my costume. That was scary. But Rachel seems a lot more clever than you were, so I wouldn't worry about her too much" I said and he burst out laughing.
"That was fun, but you're right. I shouldn't worry about Rachel, but I can't help it. I always worry about her when we're in a fight"
"There's nothing bad about this. I'm still worried about you too"
"Told you" Kori exited the elevator and sat beside us. "It's so adorable when you worry about her" she said and kissed him no his cheek.
"Okay, okay. You convinced me. I won't think about it anymore"
"Great. I can continue my job then?" I asked because I wanted to finish my project for tomorrow.
"Yes and I'll make dinner tonight for everyone to thank you for your help" Dick said heatedly.
"Fine, but Kori will help you" I said a bit affraid from Dick's cooking abilities and Kori burst out laughing.
"Don't worry, Bruce. We'll try not to poison you or burn down the house" she said and they went upstairs to make dinner and I could finally finish the tracking device.

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