The Assistant

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This story contains mentions of sex, violence, and strong language. No parts of this story may be taken unless granted permission by the author aka me. Please vote! Enjoy :)

"Ailani. My office. Now." My bosses deep voice boomed through the Intercom that sat on my desk. Without hesitation I rush to his office, nearly tumbling over in the process.

With a bit of hesitation, I push his office door open, anxiousness pumping throughout my veins. My heart beat so loud I could have sworn he heard the pitter pattering of my heart beating on my chest.

Thump thump, thump thump

Lately Mr. Romano has been rather grumpy with me. If it's not one thing it's the next. I'm new here, I can't help but mess up here and there.

"Y-yes, Mr. Romano?" My voice is near a whisper as I wish to not upset him. I visibly gulp, thoughts of being fired on the spot plaguing my mind.

He pushes himself up from his seat, standing to his full height –of maybe 6'4, which easily towers over my 5'8 one– He begins to walk closer to me, to which I take a few steps back. His dominance is a force to be reckoned with.

"Ms. Jones." His voice is stern and deep. He continues to inch closer to me, making me resort to craning my head up in order to meet his eyes with my own. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel his hand being placed on the small of my back. His hard eyes travel over my face instantly making me feel weak under his gaze. My head instantly shoots down in submission.

"Yes sir?" I don't dare look up at him feeling as though I'd probably burst into tears if I did.

What'd I do wrong this time?

"Do you know why I called you in here, Ms. Jones?" I watch as a cocky smirk begins to dance upon his lips.

"N-no sir." I shake my head, slightly becoming distracted by his shiny shoes before snapping back into reality.

He moves away from me, his eyes still scanning over my body. "Have a seat, bella." His voice is so calming, it's off putting. I don't hesitate to take the seat, relief setting in though his close proximity is still rather nerve racking.

I can feel that he is still standing directly behind me as the warmth of his body transfers to my own. I feel his big rough hands run up and down the length of my arm all the way up to my neck.

He removes his hands before leaning against the part of his desk that is right beside me.

I watch as his tongue pushes past his plump pink lips, before running across them. My eyes flicker down to the action –unholy thoughts playing in my brain– before they flick back up to his beautiful brown eyes.

I see a lustful glint spark in his eyes as his eyes no longer study my face, but rather the two balls of tissue and skin sitting on my chest. I clear my throat.

"Mr. Romano? Sir?" I look up at him with curious eyes.

He breaks out of his trance looking back into my eyes. "I want to talk to you about your little attitude problem. When ever I tell you to do something you always give me such sassy responses. I want you to know that if I a tell you to do something, I expect you to do it with no questions asked. Let's keep that bratty attitude at bay when speaking to me. Choosing not to do what I ask of you is simply not an option." His hand is now grabbing onto my chin, forcing me to look at him.

I turn my lip up at him and cross my arms. "Attitude problem? I have an attitude problem? That's ironic coming from Oscar the grouch himself." I scoff and look him up and down. "Maybe if you weren't so mean to me I'd do it without the so called attitude." I roll my eyes and turn my face away from him.

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