Seven minutes in heaven

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Atlanta, Georgia
Omnipresent pov
11:30 pm

On one late Friday evening where drinks were being thrown back, smoke polluted the air, and dirty little games took place, there were two unexpecting college freshman in for a delightful awakening.

It was an all inclusive campus event. A celebration to honor the incoming freshman who put forth thirteen years of hard work and dedication. Their first college hoorah before college started. Nerves were jumping around erratically, seeing as though no one actually knew each other. Parting ways for the rest of their lives with friends they had thought would be there forever, every freshman was anxious. They walked blindly into the depths of the unknown, hesitantly welcoming adult hood with slightly parted arms.

Nadia was a shy girl. Never really spoke unless spoken to. The very thing that made her all the more alluring through the male gaze. She was quite the looker, contrary to her own beliefs.

Dark sun kissed skin, comparable to that of coffee beans. Hair as thick as the roots that grow a single plant, curls belonging to that of the tightest curl pattern on the hair chart. Unstretched, her hair hung just below her scapula, though when stretched to its full potential, it hit the very end of her waist. Her jawline was narrow, giving her face an ethereal essence. Her eyes we big and almond shaped, dark long eyelashes accompanied their appearance. He cheekbones high like that of Mt. Everest. Her nose was cute as a button, dawning all the more attention to her face. Her lips, two toned, were rather big. Always outlined in a black lip liner then slathered in clear mint lipgloss. She was gorgeous. Absolutely breath taking.

Her ability to care for others even with hearts full of malice towards her was only a plus to her beauty. She had the kindest of kind hearts. She was innocent in many ways. The exact opposite of Dominic Mikhailov.

Due to his late birthday, he was only a year older than most other freshman on campus. Dominic, though handsome, didn't have quite the same personality appeal as Nadia. She was like mellow water in a beautiful blooming garden, he was like a raging fire, scorching everything and everyone in its path. It blazed beyond measure. It was quite dangerous to get trapped in this heat for if you did there simply was no escaping.

He never really spoke much, between the pairs undeniable beauty, being quiet was probably the only thing the two had in common. But what came out of these mouths when speaking were two completely different things. His words were always laced with a hint of repugnance and irritation.

It seemed as though distaste was a permanent aspect of his face, almost like a default setting for him. It's what drew people into him, that and his commanding presence. He was dominant and that's what women loved most about him.

His skin was pale as snow, his eyes as blue as the ocean. But instead of having that same nostalgic joyful glow the ocean has, his were cold and dark like the harsh weathers of the arctic. Arguably the most striking feature on his face. His nose was long and perfectly shaped straight, aside from the crook on the bridge of his nose. His jawline was chiseled, perfect to apply gentle kisses. His lips were of a pink saturation that pouted from her beautiful face. Across his left eye lies a scar. No one knew how he had gotten it. He never actually told anyone, not even his own mother who he respected more than anyone else in this world. He loved her dearly as she did him. The only person up until now who he had a soft spot for.

But as soon as his eyes landed on her the wall he had built to keep others out came crumbling down until it was a pile of ashes and nothingness. His heart even melted just hearing her soft, gentle voice.

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