The Assistant: Part 2

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Ailani's pov
12:30 pm

If you haven't already noticed, this is part two of the first one shot I posted with Ailani and Matteo. I thought someone asked for a part 2 of this but someone actually asked for part 2 of the diner. I just hadn't realized until now when I went back to @ the person 😭 anyways please enjoy the story! Part 2 of the diner will be out soon!

Sitting dangerously close to my boss, I try desperately to pry his fingers off of my thigh, but to no avail. His grip was much too powerful.

Ever since Matteo and I...did it...I've trying my best to avoid him. I rarely walk into his office. And when I do, it's simply to drop his food off to him. I'm in and out leaving him no time to speak to me. It's come to the point where I fax him all of my work. Calculating inventory, sending him my notes, and updating his calendar everytime we book a new meeting. There is little to no talking with him.

He tries with all his might to talk to me, but I give him blunt answers. Trying to hint to him how disinterested I am in him even though I'm really not.

However we seem to always bump into each other when it's least expected. Apparently the university has other plans for me. Just this morning I bumped into his hard body, the collision did nothing to him. On the other hand, the impact nearly sent me tumbling backwards. I would have fallen had it not been for his quick thinking. His hands locked onto my hips and pulled me towards him, stabilizing my body once more.

I literally wanted to jump out of a window in embarrassment. He simply chuckled, his deep hum sending electrifying chills down my spine.

This whole meeting he had been invading my personal space. At first it was just our legs touching, then that escalated to his hand falling short of the inside of my skirt. But now, his hand was slowly working upwards towards my throbbing pussy.

I'd be a liar if I said I hadn't fantasized being with him. He made me feel things I had never experienced with another man. I had been getting flashbacks throughout my days about that night. I'd never forget that, but I didn't want my feelings for him getting the best of our employer-employee relationship. Truth is, we should have never crossed that line that night. It was completely unprofessional for the both of us. So I was putting a stop to it. It was beyond wrong. We had crossed the line of wrong much long ago.

And yet and still, even though I know it was wrong, half of me still wants him for it. It was an adrenaline rush. Having something I wasn't supposed to have yet I craved it so much. The way his intoxicating aroma filled up every inch of my nostrils, sparking a delightful-tingling pleasure with in my senses. Even the way his big brown eyes stare into your own like he's claiming you-


I continue to take notes, trying to ignore his hand scooting higher and higher up my thigh. Gently squeezing every now and again.

Save me Jesus.

It just seemed like his hand would never stop and while part of me wished it would, the other part of me couldn't wait to fall to pieces at the mercy of his own being again.

And just as his hand was reaching my peek, Mr. Jackson arose from his seat, reaching his hand out towards Matteo to shake.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you, Matteo. I can't wait for the new renovations. I'll have my assistant fax over all my information. Until then." Giving Matteo's hand one last firm shake, Mr. Jackson and all of his associates were out of our netting room and in the elevator, descending down to the first floor.

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