𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 1

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Seattle, Washington
10:00 pm
Theodora's pov

I hurry along the late night sidewalk, hardly anyone is around. Actually, no one is around besides the pair of eyes tracking me from a distance.

I am left limited with only four useful senses which only makes this a lot harder for me. I turn up the volume on my hearing aids, the silence of the night too loud for my liking, though I don't mind if it is to keep myself safe. Without the sense of hearing, it is quite difficult to determine their proximity to me.

The streetlights flickered dimly, casting long, twisted shadows that seemed to reach out with gnarled fingers. The effect only seemed to add to the uneasiness welling up in my chest.

With a tremble racking my body at the thought, I tug my jacket closer to my chest. I feel the lurking eyes hidden within the deep dark shadows of the night, stalking my every move, following the line of my body with precision and longing? I do not feel threatened, nor do I feel unsafe for that matter, but I also can't help but feel uncomfortable by their presence.

With the cool night air pulling flush against my body, I release a deep sigh. I steal a glance from over my shoulder every now and then to find this perpetrator, but to no avail. I know they're following me, I can feel it.

I'd think I were going crazy if I did not constantly received their extravagant gifts.

As I crossed the street, movement flickers from the corner of my eye. Standing unfazed, doused in the inky blackness of the night was my stalker. I freeze, straining my eyes due to the absence of light surrounding me. As the night clawed at my vision in multiple mocking shadows, my eyes finally seem to fixate on the figure standing less than twenty feet away from me. Part of me wants to confront this person, but I suppose I'd like to not get kidnapped. A shiver ran through my body. I quicken my pace as my home appears in the distance. I clutch my keys tightly until the ridged edges dig into my palm.

Upon my arrival sits an envelope and small jewelry box. I whip my head around in all different directions to find my stalker but they've seemed to left. No, I'd like to think I know them better than that. They're still lurking in the shadows, watching me as they always do. They keep their distance, wishing they could come closer, but they don't.

I pick up the gifts, ushering myself into my home with great urgency. Weirdly enough, I cannot contain the welling excitement coursing through my chest in anticipation of the letter. I do not appreciate being stalked, but I do admire their ability to craft such meaningful notes with passion and precision.

Will it be a poem today, with carefully crafted metaphors and rhythmic phrases? A short story brimming with vivid characters and intricate plots? Or perhaps a quietly reflective personal essay exploring the nooks and crannies of the human experience?

Having had enough excitement from the anticipation exploding from my body in waves, I rip at the envelope, revealing the paper inside.

A Breath of Fresh Beauty:

Radiant as the morning sun,
A vision of beauty, second to none.
A passionate smile, dear to keep, I think of the girl, even in sleep.
A gentle laugh, like musics refrain, soothing the weary, easing their pain.
Tresses of silky chestnut locs, cascade down her back in perfect flocks.
Light pink lips, rounded in shape, imprison the eyes in a trance like state.
A canvas of beautiful skin, with perfect brown strokes, reveals the lineage of her people, unmasking her cloak.
A beautiful girl, her vision divine, forever etched in this black heart of mine.
The trenches of my heart, dark and gloomy, she brightens my day, a breath of fresh beauty.

Open the box, sweet girl.


I find myself reading the sweet poem over and over again, each time disappointing me as I will never have read this for the first time again.

As I release the letter from my grip, I grab the box. Upon opening, it I find a beautiful gold necklace inside, the charm of the necklace encrusted with shiny diamonds. Though that is not what sparks my attention. In fact, it's the charm that just so happens to be their initials that catches my attention. My eyes bolt to the note.

A beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl. 


I flip over the card in hopes that there is an explanation on the back. Thankfully there is.

Wear this necklace always. It's for your protection.



Am I in some sort of danger? Is my stalker dangerous? Protect me from what, rather who, is the question.

I do not ponder the thought for long as I simply do what the note asks. I'll do anything if it is to keep me safe from potential threat, though it is them who puts my wellbeing at risk to begin with.

To be continued......


This is a VERY short chapter, but this is just the introduction to Theodora.

I hope you all enjoyed this though, the book will be dropping in due time!

I apologize for any grammatical errors as well!

Until the next update! Byeeeeeeee! <3.

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