Her Reign: The Huntress Awakens

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With lungs burning wilder than flames encrusted in the sun, their feet violently trample the soft soil of the forest in a desperate attempt to flee their pack's invaders. The adrenaline coursing through their veins distracted the two women from the searing pain immersing their body's. Their hearts drummed against the innermost wall of their rib cages in rhythmic waves, working past its limits to properly pump blood to each organ.

What they once identified as their home was no longer. It was set ablaze before their very own eyes. The agonizing screams of pain and terror haunted their subconscious as they could be of no help to the innocent people encircled by the raging fire. Soon to be or already engulfed in flames, panic arose within the pack. If it were not the scolding flames, surely it'd be the smoke and soot that clung to the walls of their lungs that would eventually kill them. Their fate was sealed by death itself, stamped with a pendant of fire and it did not intend on leaving any survivors.

The two women felt the bond of their pack being shredded to tiny pieces as the life force of its citizens rapidly began to fade. It was especially painful for Luna Kate who had felt the severing of the bond between her mate just moments after she had given birth to their beautiful baby girl. The child he had a mere few seconds to cherish before being forced to rush to the packs defense.

Had she not just given birth, she would have been able to execute her Luna duties and rush all the women and children of her pack to safety, however, she was never more vulnerable than in a time like this. Not only had she just given birth, but she had felt the life force of her Goddess gifted mate snap in an instant. With the loss of her mate she was weak.

Rose had practically dragged the Luna from her hospital bed, demanding that she run for her life. And she did. She ran, not for herself, but for the innocent baby swaddled in her arms. She had already failed her pack, she refused to fail her daughter as well. She owed her that much.

She couldn't help but feel guilty for the slaughter that had gone on today. She was the cause for it after all. The invaders were here for her. The invaders–Luna Wolf hunters–were on a search for her, a species of wolf that were direct descendants of the Moon Goddess herself. Most known for empowering the state of a pack. They were purely alpha bred women with the hearts of a true warrior. Blessed with power beyond beauty, these she-wolves were the salvation of any pack that was blessed enough to gain them as a member. With a Luna wolf came great fortune.

Like all great things, the blessing of these women to the wolven society had turned neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother. Every Tyrant wanted one for themselves to produce a powerful heir. An heir that they hoped would dominate other packs. An heir that would bring them more power and strength.

Thus began the hunt for Luna Wolves. Daughters of the Moon Goddess were stripped from the protection of their packs and forcibly detained to produce heirs for any Alpha's that so pleased to mate with her.    

Kate had not only been running for her freedom, but also for the freedom of the innocent baby that lay wailing in her arms.

"They are catching up to us, Luna. We must run faster!" Rose shot down the mind link in hopes to not give way to their exact location. Kate knew she was right, but the searing
pain emitting from between her legs was only a hindrance to the current situation.

To keep rose and the baby safe, Kate knew what she had to do. She was slowly dying. With the loss of her mate, her wolf had slowly but surely began to fade away to the back of her mind. With no wolf to heal the life threatening effects of recently having given birth, Kates body had fell victim to exsanguination.

Her once vibrantly brown skin had fallen pale. The innocent glow in her eyes had slowly turned into exhaustion. She could feel her body giving out. She knew what would happen in the end of all of this, but she would die before allowing her fate to consume that of her own child's. It might have been too late for her, but not for her daughter.

"Take her and run, Rose. Run to the nearest pack and seek refuge. My time here has run thin, I'm dying. You must go, Rose. You must keep her safe!" Kate could barely get out as her life force had dimmed significantly.

"Luna, please you mustn't give up!" Rose pleaded.

"GO NOW, ROSE!" Kate all but roared down the mind link. Rose was consumed by the alpha aura drawing from her Luna. It was a direct order from her higher ranking and she could not disobey, at least not without a world full of hurt.

"May the moon Goddess provide you a safe journey home." Rose spoke sadly to her Luna.

She hastily grabbed the baby from her arms and ran faster than she ever had. Away from her Luna and away from the invaders that would soon be after the Luna's baby after discovering her untimely death. She was all alone now, everyone she had ever known, They had died in a matter of minutes. She could not fight off the tears that welled in her eyes as the life force of her Luna grew weaker and weaker.

She was not only her Luna, but her best friend too. She'd known the girl forever. She was her sister. So to leave her alone to fend for herself had been the hardest thing for her to do. She did not want to leave her, but she could not help it.

She had not known how long she had been running before hearing the collective howling from the invaders that had so mercilessly slaughtered her entire pack. By now they would have found Kate dead with the pungent scent of afterbirth that had run down her legs.

"Bring me that baby!" She heard–what she presumed to be–the leader of the invaders command to his army.

She could tell they were only a few miles away from her due to her intense wolven hearing, but that was much too close for her liking.

She pushed her legs beyond the limit her step had fallen into. Her legs were aching and her heart and lungs had begun working overtime just to keep her up and running. She was in pain now, but the adrenaline pumping through her veins would give way sooner or later. Once she would reach safety, there was no doubt in her mind that she would not be able to move her body freely the days that were to follow.

But first, she would find a witch to suppress the child's true identity. Even as a newly born baby, Rose could feel the true power emitting from her. A true alpha on both sides. Her father had been purely alpha blooded. Part wolf and part Siren. And her mother was a Luna wolf. There was no denying the power the child had which made her job all the more difficult.

After hours of constant running, Rose had finally found refuge in the Crimson Lotus pack. Out of pity, Alpha Nicholas did everything in his power to accommodate the poor woman.

Fate had tied her to mothering two children all by herself. One who had tragically lost both parents on the same day and a child of her own that was soon to arrive any day now.

Loneliness was a constant reminder of the tragedy that altered her life indefinitely.

To be continued....


I'm always coming up with new ideas for new books 😭😭😭

(The second chapter of this is also up if you guys want to continue reading btw!)

This is my first werewolf/supernatural book so bear with me. I'm still figuring out the terminology and stuff 😭

I've never read werewolf stuff until now and I really love it 😭 but I haven't found one with a black woman lead so I chose to make one, if y'all have any please drop some book recommendations.

I hope y'all will enjoy this book though!!

I apologize for any grammatical errors as well!

Until the next update! Byeeeeeeee! <3.

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