The Wrong Brother

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The De Luca Residence
Macie's pov
8:00 pm

I married the wrong brother.

I know that now.

I should've known the first time we had ever broken up. And the three times after that. It was God waving the biggest red flag he could find, but I chose to ignore it. I thought I was in love. I thought he loved me. But that all came crumbling down like the big mess it was. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

I can't divorce the piece of shit just yet either. Besides trust issues and trauma, I'm walking away from this dick face with a lump sum of money. $40 million, to be exact.

But his brother, Marco, he should've been mine.

Marco had always been the sweetheart between him and his brother. I was too blind to see that I had picked the wrong brother from the beginning. From my understanding, it was Marco who had liked me first. Liking me in return was just my husbands sick way of torturing his brother. Until his fake interest in me turned real. Giovanni pursued me before his brother to which I automatically over looked Marco for Giovanni.

At first, Giovanni was an absolute dream. He was the sweetest man ever. So I thought. He would buy me flowers every week, take me on dates, he even listened to my every complaint and still never complained about me complaining. Then one day it all just stopped. He started coming home late, lip stick prints stained his shirts, he hadn't even had the decency to mask her scent.

It was clear as day to me that he was cheating, and in doing so he didn't show even one drop of remorse.

He stopped caring for me completely around our second year of marriage. And that's when I started having my own fun. I started doing the same things he did, except I was smart about it. I didn't need to give him a reason to divorce me, otherwise I'd be walking away from this shitty relationship empty handed with a broken heart sitting in my chest.

I remember the first time I found comfort in Marco.

It was a late Friday night, Giovanni had just come home drunk reeking of hard booze and sex. I had reached my limit with him constantly cheating on me with a different broad every other night.

We had gotten in this big fight because I had threatened to leave him and that's when it had all happened.

It was only the first three months of our marriage that he had began cheating, and only two months later would he bring himself to do the unspeakable.

I remember this day as if it were yesterday.


He cocked his hand back, positioning it perfectly to land on my right cheek. With all the force a drunk could muster, which surprisingly is a lot, his hand struck my face. I ended up loosing my balance and that's when he began striking me with his fist. One hit turned into two, until there were just too many to count.

I fought tooth and nail to get out of that house. All banged up with forming bruises and bleeding wounds, I ended up walking over thirty minutes to Marcos house. I don't know how I got here, my feet kinda just brought me to his porch.

Shivering from the frosty fall weather, I knocked on his door. It took a couple of knocks and a lot of waiting before his door finally opened.

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