Therapy: Part 1

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New York, New York
Symone's pov
3:30 pm

"How are you, Symone?" Dr. Russo asks, fixating his attention on me. "Last session you seemed to be having some trouble. I do hope you're feeling much better."

"I'm doing much better." I say awkwardly. "How are you?"

"I'm well, thank you for asking." On his lips I can see his beautiful smile forming. As his pink lips spread wider his pearly white teeth shine, blinding me with perfection.

God! What did I do to get such a handsome therapist? The way he smiles or looks at me just does something to me.

I can't help but to let my eyes roam the muscular figure before me.
My eyes trail the defined curves under his suffocating white clothing, shielding them from my all too wondering eyes. I am left only to my imagination of what it looks like in all of his naturally nude glory. I am only more attracted to this forbidden man as he loosens the restrictive material around his wrist. Using his big muscular hands, he pushes up each sleeve just until they reach the mid point of his forearm, his veins now on display for my pleasures to indulge in.

"-you?" It is now that I realize that I in fact was not paying attention to what my therapist was saying, but rather drooling over how ravishing he looks doing absolutely nothing. "Symone? Did you hear me? Are you alright?" Dr. Russo asks, concern lining his deep voice.

"N-no sorry I-I was a bit distracted. I'm quite alright." I mentally face palm myself at my wicked stuttering.

"Are you sure? We can cancel today if you'd like." He was sitting at the edge of his seat, leaning over to grab my hand. Ever so gently did he stroke the back of my hand with his thumb.

It was magical. Instant butterflies.

"No I'm fine, really. I was just distracted is all."

He pulls back with an unsure expression plaguing his handsome face. "Well, what's got you so distracted?" He inquiried, setting his ankle atop his knee.

"More like a who." I spoke quietly instantly regretting my big annoying mouth.

"Well who's got you so distracted?" His face was blank yet his voice was not empty. I cant really explain it.

"Well it's this guy I've had my eye on for a while now. I just can't talk to him." I say truthfully, clasping my hands together in a tight ball.

"And why not?" There was a faint smile curved upon his lips as he looked me deep in the eyes.

"I don't think he'll go for me. I'm not sure if I'm his type." I practically get suffocated by my own breath as I feel the air get lodged deep in my throat.

"And why not?" His bushy eyebrow shoots up in curiosity. He begins writing in his notepad profusely, making the anxiousness rise deeply within me.

"I just know he wouldn't." Geez, his persistence is impeccable.

"And what makes you think that? What makes you unworthy?"

"Well, I don't have much to offer. I'm in therapy three times a week for a shit tone of reasons. Who wants to be with someone with as much baggage as me?" I shrug, unfazed by my own comment.

He pauses his writing for a second to look up at me before continuing his writing.

"And you genuinely believe this?" He asks seeming to be a bit amused if I do say so myself.

"I do. I mean It's all I've ever heard-"

"That doesn't make it true." He says, cutting into my sentence sharply.

"I'm just saying that it's not likely that he'll do well with my advances."

"I highly disagree." This time he had cut his eyes at me, but instead of looking away he just stared.

Soon silence had overcome us, it wasn't awkward, but I didn't like it either.

I clear my throat, breaking our intense eye contact. "Can I ask you a question, Dr. Russo?"

"I do suppose"

I chew my lip nervously, squeezing my hands tightly in fear of his answer. "Would you date me?"

He seemed to be taken aback by my rather odd question. His body stilled, balling up into a tense vessel of nerves. The silence after the question was loud, so unbearably loud. It didn't take long for regret and embarrassment to settle in. So in an attempt to save myself, I cut into the silence, defense oozing from my vocal cords. "Never mind it's a dumb ques-"

"Though highly innapropriate and unethical, I would." He commented, cutting off the rambling mess that was myself.

"Oh." Was all I simply could manage out.

What could I say? What should I do with this information?

"So who is this guy that's been plaguing that mind of yours?" I could hear the smirk in his voice, I simply refused to make eye contact with him.


The silence was deafening. If I could shrivel up and die I would! What is wrong with me? He's my therapist for crying out loud!

"Interesting." He states, simply.


"Listen...Symone," Dr. Russo trailed off, placing his hand on top of mine. I stiffened from his touch. "I'm flattered, really, but this is just unprofessional. I mean-"

I cut him off violently, ripping my hand away from his. "Yeah I know, this is unprofessional, you're my therapist blah blah blah. I didn't really want to tell you in the first place. You should've let it go. Now my feelings are just hurt." I didn't mean to lash out at him, but I couldn't hold it in. Had he not been so persistent my feelings wouldn't be so hurt right now.

I stood to my feet in an instance, grabbing my coat and purse in a hurry. "Let me do us both a favor and end the session here. Thank you Dr. Russo for all 300 of your seconds. I'll be seeing my self out now."

"Symone, wait!-" I didn't allow any further back talk as I simply walked out of his office, slamming the door behind me.

I have never ran so fast out of a building in my whole life, hell even Usain Bolt couldn't catch up to me. As soon as I got in my car I practically began speeding my hurt butt all the way home.

I was sure to cancel Dr. Russo as my therapist as soon as I got home. I was way too embarrassed to ever face him again. How stupid could I be to tell my therapist that I have a crush on him? I took my frustration out on him when in reality it's all my fault. Maybe if I'd kept my mouth shut I wouldn't be in this predicament.

To be continued.....

Word Count: 1140

Part 2 is up now!!! Sooooo sorry for the terribly late update. By now I've probably lost half of my readers 😭

Also I'm very sorry if this chapter isn't as good, I actually struggled a lot writing this. I'm not sure if I'm just not a good writer anymore or if it's just me having one of those moments. Lowkey it just kinda feels like I'm writing the same story over and over again it's annoying 😭

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