Dangerously in Love pt. 2

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New York, New York
Multiple pov's
November 1st, 9:00 am

TW: acts of abuse/ physical violence are present in this chapter.

       "Melody! Where is my coffee?!" Mr. Lombardi, asks harshly. I scurry into his office, hands and chest burning from the scolding coffee spilled trying to rush it to him.

As I set his coffee down on his desk, I try to shake the burning sensation away.

"Did you spill some coffee on yourself?" His voice is void of all if any anger that once lingered as it is replaced with a sound of kindness. I simply shake my head no, but it is no match for his persistence. "Let me see." He demands.

I raise my hands, to which he engulfs them in his own. He inspects the red tenderness of the flesh on my hands as well as making note of the stain on my white button up shirt. "Unbutton your shirt."

I do as I am told and unbutton just the first three buttons of my shirt. Through its opening you can see my black bra, above its fabric, a red spot of my own burning flesh. He stands to his feet, in which he then pushing me down on his desk. He brings my burning hands to his lips, placing gentle kisses to them, then up the length of my left arm until his lips reach the tender skin of my breast. "I'm sorry, baby." He spoke through kisses.

His hands take a hold of either side of my face as they lift my hanging head, "Let me make it up to you."  His eyes plead with mine, begging, until I finally crack, giving into his tricks.

He shuts and locks his office door, making his way back over to me where his lips engulf mine in a dance of lovers for the umpteenth time now, his hands working fast at undressing me.

Through shaky breathes, I state, "I thought you said no more fraternizing at work, Alessandro."

He ignores my statement and continues to drown out my worries with acts of lust and passion.

Present Day:

"What is your relationship to the defendants?" Mark's question was simple, but if answered incorrectly could be detrimental to either Alessandro or Me.

"Alessandro is my boss, but he was also my best friend. I considered him a brother. We'd known each other since we were eight. Melody was like a little sister to me. I hadn't known her as long as I knew Alessandro, but we still developed a strong bond. We just clicked."

"From your understanding, How would you describe the relationship between your boss and Ms. Blake?" Mr. Davis asks.

"At first she was his assistant, but later on down the road their relationship turned into something more so they got married. It never seemed like a strenuous relationship. For the most part, they were always loving."

"And in the time they were together, can you recall any threats or any acts of violence between the two?"

Rico's eyes shifted between Mark and me for some time before answering. "Yes." He answered.

"Can you recall the incident?"

Rico nodded, shedding an apologetic glance my way. "It was late September, Alessandro had called me over to his house one evening to help with some final business preparations. When I had finally made it to their home that night, the house was torn to shreds. There were bruises on the both of them. I don't know what happened that night, but it was obvious that some fight had transpired."

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