Ms. Officer

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Watkins University
Andreas's pov
October 31st, 1:00 pm

               Surrounded by a plethora of goods ranging from food to prizes, my eyes search the beautifully lit carnival deciding on what to do first. I can't tell if I want to drive the bumper cars, get on a rollercoaster, play at the booth, or eat first. It's too chaotic for my indecisive, anxiety ridden brain.

So I let her choose.

"What do you want to do first, Raven?" I feel as though she cannot understand me due to my thick greek accent. I instantly become insecure, but it is all washed away as she points at the darts booth game.

I look over at her, still taken aback by her choice of costume, even though I've seen her in it only about a million times. A police officer. A sexy police officer.

A dark blue jumpsuit clung to her body, revealing her pair shaped physique. Around her waist sat a belt, holstering her fake gun, handcuffs, baton, and walkie-talkie. On her nose sat a pair of oversized sunglasses, that added a bit of innocence to her costume, but all that innocence is easily diminished by the eye catching crease of her cleavage. Lastly, the outfit is topped off with her cop hat that she purposely pulls to the side of her head to give the outfit more "edge".

My costume matches hers, an accessory to her costume if you will. Suffocating my well built upper body was a wife beater. The simplicity of the blank white shirt is accompanied by a silver dog tag necklace. My legs are draped over with thin orange material that is supposed to come up my body, but bunch around my waist.

As she leads us to the booth, I snake my arm around her waist, claiming her as my own. She leans into my touch, releasing a heavy sigh as if she were waiting for this moment all night.

I believe I'm supposed to win her a prize, at least that's what happens in the movies. "One game please." I tell the worker.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" She politely asks.

I open my mouth to speak, but Raven beats me to it and I mentally thank her for it. "He said, One game please." She is not mean when repeating what I said, as she understands it's a simple mishap.

I hand the woman a dollar to which she hands me five darts, explaining that I need to hit at least three balloons. Easy enough right? Wrong.

I ended up playing the game another five times, each round only hitting one or two balloons. I sigh in defeat and prepare to pull us from the booth, but Raven stops me.

I watch as a smile touches her lips, and her beautiful brown eyes glossed over with pure happiness meet mine, "Do you want me to win a prize for you?"

I can only nod and smile back at her thoughtfulness. She and the woman exchange the five dollars and darts. She need to hit 5 ballon's for a small prize, 10 for a medium prize, and 15 for the jumbo prizes.

Again and again I watch as she throws a dart, striking balloon after ballon, up until she needs to hit just one more balloon to her in a large prize, but she's down to three darts.

She throws a dart, but misses. Down one dart.

The pressure is on now.

She crosses her chest, and blows a kiss to the sky before retracting her arm and launching the dart at the board. It's a miss again. It was so close . Down two darts.

"Why don't you throw this one." She smiles, handing me the dart.

I can feel the anxiety transferring through the crowd she gained while playing the game. Though they win nothing, I can hear their thoughts of hopefulness that we win.

I take the dart from her releasing a heavy sigh as I position my arm at the board. Pleading with God to hit the target for me, I release the dart.

Almost as if in slow motion, the crowd including myself and Raven waited for the dart to hit the board. And finally, that noise we had all been waiting for sounded throughout the nearby air.


In an instant, the cheerful roars from the crowd erupt around us, every person congratulating us and sharing this joyful moment with us.

This is a win for over charged consumers at carnivals all around the world.

I choose my prize which is a giant pink stuffed bear I caught her eyeing earlier. "What should we name her, baby?" I ask, pulling her warm body back into mine.

She thought for a minute, pondering my question. "Let's name her..Raven?"

"I think that's a perfect name."

We went on around the carnival, winning prizes for each other. We even found a matching blue bear to Raven that we chose to name Andreas. She would keep him while I kept her for whenever we were alone. I think it was a cute idea especially since I miss her all the time when she isn't around.

"Andreas, I'm hungry." She pouts, holding onto her growling stomach.

"What do you want to eat, beautiful."

"How about some...tacos?" She's suggest.

"Your wish is my command, prinkípissa." I take her hand, leading her to the taco stand on the far left of the carnival.

I swear as soon as she got her taco it was gone. I turned around for one second to pay for it, and when I turned around it was just, gone. I hadn't even taken one bite out of my own.

"What? I was really hungry." She giggled.

I simply shake my head at her, a smile dancing on both of our lips.

Before leaving the carnival we went to the haunted house everyone loved so much. Throughout the entire duration she was holding onto my arm, screaming when the people jumped out at her, and laughing at all of my jokes. It was good to know that she felt protected around me, but even better that I was the one who got to protect her.

We ended our night at the carnival on the ferris wheel, looking over the view of the carnival, basking in the moment. When we got to the top of the wheel I gripped her chin and brought her lips to my own. It's as a sweet passionate kiss. He lips tasted of mint lipgloss, a sweet yet refreshing taste. Her lips were smooth and overlapping my own. If so didn't enjoy this moment just as much as her it was more.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her beautiful face. Her skin was a light brown color, the lighting from the moon complimenting her complexion as her skin glowed from its shine. Her eyes were a mocha brown color, embroidered by a big doe eyed shape. Her nose was pulled into a tiny point while still being a bit wide. Her lips were big, shaped into a pout. Above her top lip on the right side of her face sat a black beauty mark that I find all the more alluring to her face.

Tonight had gone just as I had planned, If not better than what I bet on. She was overfilled with joy as was I.

Happy Halloweennn! I hope you guys like the double update. I wish this chapter was longer, and I wish the ending was better, but I hope you all still enjoyed.

I apologize for any grammatical errors as well!

Until the next update! Byeeeeeeee! <3.

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