Dangerously in love

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New York, New York
Melody's pov
November 1st, 8:30 am


         They say you're innocent until proven guilty, but in this Justice system it feels like it's the opposite. Why am I treated as less than a human being just because these bastards don't believe me?

A tinge of pain develops in the depths of my heart as memories of a dangerous love clouds my mind like a sea of milk. A love that was so dangerous, I let go of who I am, or at least who I used to be.

How could I let a man do this to me?

All those repressed memories of my past come emerging into my mind as I cannot divert my thoughts from the one man I truly loved, but more importantly, the man I thought truly loved me. The manipulation, the lies, the arguments, and still, even after all of this, I cannot bring myself to hate him.

It is no longer pain that immerses me. It is anger. An emotion so dangerous that it engulfs me in its blazing heat, setting ablaze to any and everything in its path. A passion so wild, menacing even that even I cannot control its savage outbursts.

Scorching the outermost layer of me, even after it's damage done unto me, beneath the chard epidermis, is a little  girl who is scared and alone. A little girl wishing only to be saved. A little girl so numb that she has become immune to pain and disappointment. She is disconnected from me, though I can still feel her.

It is much worse than anger. It's rage.

My skin is hot to the touch, beads of sweat begin to pull into groups on my forehead, accusing me of crimes I am innocent of. To others, it looks like guilt, but in reality it is simply anger. A warm salty tear trickles down the surface of my cheeks to which I aggressive clear my face of it. It reeks of self pity. My tears will do me no good, so what's the point in letting them fall? Only for someone to use them against me?

Just then, the judges voice brings me back into reality. "How does the defendant plead?" The judges monotoned voice pierces the air around it with power, though he uses very little of it.

"The defendant pleads not guilty your honor." My lawyers overly confident voice fills the courtroom, jumping from ear to ear as whispers begin flying around. There are too many people talking at once to hear what they are saying, so I let it all go. They don't know a damn thing about me.

"This courtroom calls the defense to state their opening statements." I tune out their judgmental remarks. In turn, I shift my focus to my lawyer.

He begins to speak, his attention directed towards the jury, "Members of the jury, It is of my utmost highest expectation that you will carefully inspect and take in to consideration all of the evidence that the defense will provide for you all today. The prosecution will dehumanize my client, painting her as a monster, when in reality she is just as human as you and me. The prosecution will paint a false narrative in the role my client played in this trial today. It is my duty to prove Melody Blake's innocence. Unbeknownst to most, Ms. Blake is the victim of manipulation, and abuse, suffered upon the hands of her own husband. My client is the victim here, facing over a dozen counts of heinous acts of aggression and or enabling a cycle of drug and illegal firearm distribution. I beg of you the people to help an innocent woman walk free. She has already lost six months of her life rotting away in a jail cell for crimes she did not commit, do whats right and prevent her from waisting anymore of her life. " My lawyer finishes, signally to the prosecution that they may proceed with their opening statements.

I watch as my ex husbands lawyer, Mark Davis. A rather old man, with a jiggly belly poking out like the shape of an "o", steps to the middle of the room. "Members of the jury, On behalf of the prosecution, we ask that you all deliberate carefully, and truthfully in finding the defendant guilty of several counts of first degree murder, possession and distribution of narcotics, as well as the possession and distribution of illegal firearms. It is within my full intent to reveal the world, Melody Blake for who she really is: a monster. Ms. Blake has terrorized the community of New York City for several years now. I beg of each and every single one of you to help me protect this city from Melody Blake and all else who follow this chosen path of selfishness. After investigating Ms. Blake, we have  found an overwhelming amount of evidence that proves just how evil she really is. It is within my sincerest wishes that you all do what is right, and help me convict Ms. Blake of her unacceptable actions towards society."

"Your Honor, The prosecution would like to call Riccardo Castillo as its first witness." Mark requested.

I glare at the body migrating to the witness stand, eyes burning with more tears.

As he took his seat on the witness stand, we locked eyes. His filled with sorrow and mine with hatred. It was as if we were having a full conversation just with our eyes, me telling him how much I hate him and him telling me how sorry he was. I didn't care though, all I could see was red.

"Place your hand on the Bible, sir" Judge Matthews instructed.

Rico did as instructed. "Please state your name for the court."

"Riccardo Castillo." His all too familiar Spanish accent echoed out into the nakedness of the room.

"Spell your name name please."


I tune him out, shutting my eyes as the movie that is my life begins to play.

If I'm going to tell this story correctly I need to start from the beginning. Take you all back on a trip to the past where this story first takes place.

I'm going to tell you all a story about a love that was so dangerous it landed me in a courtroom full of old men and women, who know nothing about me, debating whether or not I am guilty or innocent of the crimes I am accused of.

To be continued....



I hope you all don't mind, but these next few chapters will be about this. I don't know too much about being in court so bare with me. So far I really like this story and I hope you all do as well.

Alsooooo thank you all sm for 100k reads!!!

I apologize for any grammatical errors as well!

Until the next update! Byeeeeeeee! <3.

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