Rainy Days

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Bronx, New York
Xander's pov
9:30 pm

Walking through the late night streets of New York, Xander made his way to the quiet little book store right on the corner of Main and Westbrooke. He had made it his nightly routine to walk into that store for the sole purpose of seeing her. Esiaa, to be specific. She was a short brown-skinned Black girl, well short to him considering that his 6'5 frame easily towered over her 5'8 one. He had always had a little crush on her. She was a genuinly sweet girl, and beyond beautiful. In his mind, she was easliy the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had long loose curls that hung past the middle of her back, light brown eyes that glisened in the light, thick full eyebrows, long dark lashes that made her wide almond shaped eyes look bold, a small yet wide nose that he thought looked so adorable, all brought together with her big plush lips that were always slathered in her favorite cherry lip gloss.

Before walking into the store, he caught a glimps of her standing at the register, book in hand as she read intensly. God she looked beautiful.

Without hesitation, he pushed the door open. The bells that hung on the door sounded, penetrting her ears with the familiar jingle. Her eyes shot towards the door where she smiled happily at her usual customer who seemed to never actually buy anything.

''Good evening, Xander. You gonna actually buy something tonight?'' She asked, a light chuckle escaping her beautiful lips. Now fully having her attention, she set her book down and focused her eyes on his.

''Hello, Esiaa. You look beautiful as usual. How has your night been?'' He asked completley ignoring her question.

She couldn't fight the smile that crept upon her lips, Her dimples digging deeper into her skin as her smile grew wider. ''I've been fine. And yourself?''

The way she let her words glide smothly past her cherry tasting lips sent shivers down his back. Her voice was soft, yet strong and very soulful. He probably liked her voice most of all.

''I can't complain.'' He responded back. He walked closer to the register, getting a better glimps of her beautiful face.

She made him feel things no other woman has. Mostly because she had absolutley no Idea who he actually was. This man owned just about everything you could name including that little book store she worked in.

''Why are you staring at me like that?'' she flashed him an embarrassed smile, now beginning to feel a big self concious of how she looked.

''You just...You look very beautiful today, thats all.'' He stated back.

She blushed a bit, ''Thank you, Xander. You're quite handsome yourself.''

As he looked deeper into her eyes, he couldn't help but look away at how trance like it felt staring into her eyes. It was like he could stare into them all day and he would have, had it not been for the simple fact that it would be awkward for her.

''Esiaa...'' He said, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen upon them. ''Would you ever consider going on a date with me?'' He had been waiting the past couple of months to ask this one simple question that didn't feel so simple to him.

Seeming caught off gaurd, she tensed up a bit, quickley making him regret asking her out. All life seemed to drain from his face.

'How stupid!' he scolded himself.

''Of course I would.'' She smiled happily.

His once sunken pale face brightedned up in a matter of seconds. He couldn't believe his ears.

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