Chapter 1: Violet

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Crimson Lotus Pack Territory
19 years later
12:00 am
Violet's pov

Stifling a giggle, I continue my journey into the woods off of pack territory despite my fathers constant warning me about the dangers of leaving our territory.

"C'mon Violet, this isn't funny. We're gonna get in trouble again!" My cousin, Delilah protests.

"Go back if you're so worried about it then." I shrug her off.

Despite her desire to go back to the pack, she continues to follow me. She is my beta after all, wherever I go, she goes. "You know I can't do that." She grumbles.

I ignore her, continuing down the path that leads to the western lake. The nostalgic scent of freshly fallen rain and pine engulfs my nostrils. The dampened soil seeps in between my inferior digits as I cannot fight the curve dancing on my lips. My fingertips lightly brush over the  vibrant green vines hanging in an array down the narrow path of the lake.

"Don't you just love it out here?" I sigh in contentment. I am utterly infatuated by natures many blessings.

"I'd love it more if I knew I wouldn't get into trouble for being out here." Delilah bites.

"Again, you can-"

"Oh shut up already!" She grumbles, her footsteps falling closer into step with my own.

I throw my hands up in defense, "Hey, I'm just saying."

Our conversation falls short, dissipating into the nearby air. The remainder of our journey to the lake is spent in a comfortable silence, each of us falling into the rabbit holes that are our minds.

I turn twenty in a week and I can't help but get the feeling that things will be changing following my second decade around the sun.

I push the thought to the back of my mind as the enchanting view of the lake comes into view. Though I've visited the lake on multiple occasions, It's beauty never fails to amaze me.

Weeping willow trees border the lakes edges, the clusters dangle from their stems in a vibrant green saturation. Hidden in selective colonies within the knee length grass are beds of pink flowers in variant shades, some deeper in pigment than others. White lilies adorn their appearance though they are stationed closer to the edge of the water. Settled in the bank of the serene body of water are smooth glass like stones, along with their equally leveled gravel counterparts. Starting from the core of the lake, peaceful ripples expand to the lakes outermost edges. The turquoise hue in the water a clear reflection of the sky meeting the lakes surface in a passionate kiss.

I release a sigh of contentment as I strip naked from my clothing. My feet trample the soft edged stones before I find myself immersed in the warm water. The large ripples caused by my intrusion push the Lily pads further away from me.

"It's beautiful, you embracing nature the way you do." Delilah smiles brightly at me. "So joyful over the little things that I can't help but to be happy in your presence, Vi"

I happily smile back at her before retreating to my swimming. The only word that comes to mind when describing this lake is, home. Which is ironic considering the lake back at my actual home does not have the same affect on me. It's a beautiful lake, really, but this lake feels right. Like I'm supposed to be here. I am so lost in my admiration that I don't process the pruning ripples protruding from the tips of my fingers.

"C'mon, Vi, it's getting pretty dark out. We better start heading back now."

Deciding I've given Delilah enough hell for one day, I exit the lake, dressing myself before taking our leave. A wave of sadness hits me, wishing I could visit the lake a bit longer. Another time I guess.

My thick, tightly coiled curls dangle past my waist in a looser pattern due to it's submerged state of water, opposed to the middle of my back where it hangs fully dried. My clothing has drenched itself in the contents of the lake, clinging to my skin as though being another layer of the organ. My eyelashes have clumped together due to the wetness. All of these things nothing the late spring air cannot fix.

"You'll be twenty in a week." Delilah expresses over the silent atmosphere.

"I know." I dead pan.

She continues, "And your father is preparing a mating ball in your honor so that you may potentially find a mate."

I release a heavy sigh. "What are you getting at, D?" I ask, growing impatient with her badgering. It is not really her questions that bother me, but indeed my father who is forcing me to have the stupid mating ball to begin with.

"Well," she sighs, "What will you do when you meet your mate...if you meet him?"

"Haven't given it much thought..guess we'll cross that bridge when we make it there, if we make it there." I shrug, dismissing the subject all together.

To be continued....


I can't wait to publish this book I love it so much! 😭

I apologize for any grammatical errors as well!

Until the next update! Byeeeeeeee! <3.

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