The Girl From the Bar

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Nathan's pov
September 12th, 2:00 am

You know when you can't help but feel sorry for someone just because? It's that exact same feeling I've been pestered with all night.

The girl had come in at 9:30, and has been here ever since, her eyes in search of whoever she had come here to meet. And like the innocent doe she so closely resembled, She stayed put all night.

I couldn't help but to notice her expression of excitement that once molded her features to the pitiful expression her face had slowly morphed into over the hours. Her eyes told it all, she was sad.

So here we are at 2:00 in the morning, the bar is closed, and I've been working on ways to politely tell the poor girl she had to leave the building.
But something told me she needed this time to ponder about in her mind. Time to digest the fact that she was stood up.

Without thinking, I grab two cocktail glasses, adding all the fixings of a normal gimlet, and simply rimmed with sugar and a lime.

"Even though we're closed, so thought you could use this, on the house." I flashed an innocent smile at her before setting one of the glasses before her.

"Oh sorry, I hadn't even noticed..." She trailed off, her eyes dashing across the bar in realization that we were closed. Her cheeks flushed rose red, indicating she was embarrassed. "I'll be taking my leave now, thank you for this," she gestured to the glass taking a rather large sip before gulping it down. "Have a nice night." She bid me a goodbye, but not without casting an apologetic smile in my direction.

"No really, you should stay. Have a few more drinks. I don't mind." I added quickly, pulling her back by the hand gently.

Her eyes flickered to the action before flickering back up to my face almost as though she were looking for some kind of sign that I would betray her like most of the people in her life. At least that's what I assume. She does not seem very trusting, and for reasons like these, I'd say she's got more than enough reason to find it hard to trust others.

"I really shouldn't, plus I wouldn't want you to lose your job because you were too nice of a person to just let it go."

I chuckle a bit at her response. "It's my bar, I don't think I mind." She chuckled a bit at my response. "Sit, please. Have a drink."

Hesitantly, she set her purse back in the booth seat, plopping down across from me with a heavy sigh.

"I really needed this." She moans slightly, taking a long, much needed gulp from her glass.

I find the action rather, enticing?

I take this as an opportunity to really inspect her features. She was of tan complexion, her pretty pink lips the perfect contrast to complement her beautiful skin tone. On top of her head sat a short, neck length bob of 4b curls. Her hair a sandy brown saturation. Her eyes were of a rounded almond shape, The Iris' of her eyes a golden brown color, protected by many strands of perfectly curled black eyelashes. A beautiful prominent forehead, decorated with polished edges. And smooth glowing skin, a few patches of red acne along her sculpted cheeks and chin. She is absolutely, positively, breathtaking.

I watch in awe as she focuses her gaze on the down pour of rain showering the city. Tiny little raindrops fall in undefined lines, huddling with other lonely raindrops into a big puddle of water until the weight of the puddle is too much to defy gravity. The puddle disperses back into individual droplets of water, repeating the cycling game of tag and disperse.

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