Forbidden Desire

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The Petrov Residence
Adrian's pov
7:30 pm

Staring at my best friends reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but watch in awe as she snatched and defined every aspect of her already perfect face with just the light stroke of a makeup brush.

"Wow." I mutter, unconscious of my speaking.

Anastasia snorts at my utter impressiveness. "Wow? That good or bad?" She questions.

"Good. You're so pretty Ana." I stare at her with complete admiration. Anastasia has always been a very beautiful girl, me on the other hand...I can't say the same and apparently nor can other people.

She set her makeup brush down and hopped from her position in her chair and onto her bed where I was laying."Aww. Thank you bubbles." She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a tight bear hug.

After extracting a plethora of giggles from me, she rolled off the bed, landing on her feet. As she began to speak, her room door bursts open revealing none other than Alexei himself.

Alexei was Ana's hot older brother who happened to be several years older than me, 6 to be exact.

His skin was pale white, similar to that of a pastel pinkish-blue hue. His hair was a deep Black saturation, it's essence capturing that of the pitch black night. His eyes were an icy blue color, decorated with his naturally curled dark eyelashes. His nose protruded from his face in a perfect point, except for the slight crook in the bridge of his nose. His top lip was relatively small, whereas his bottom lip was quite big. His lips were covered in a –very kissable might I add– pink layer of skin that looked as if it could use some warmth at the moment. His jawline was sharp, only adding to the precise sculpture of his European characteristics.

My eyes traveled up and down his body in pure hunger. He was dressed in all black attire, with gold jewelry to compliment his outfit. I watched intently as his black button up shirt completely suffocated his pulsing muscles. One wrong move and it was sure to bust. Secretly that's what I prayed for. He's always had a pretty sculpted body, but never had I seen him so chiseled.

I couldn't help my eyes from wandering down to his constricting pants that hugged all the more intimate places on the man. And from what I could see, he was anything but small. That I new for sure, but what way to believe it 100% than to test out the waters?

God all mighty, forgive my unholy thoughts!

"I-is it h-hot in here or is it just me?" I asked, fumbling over my words like some idiot. I grabbed my shirt and began pulling it away from my body in a very quick motion.

"Hello little sister." He spoke in a way I knew could only trigger her because of their relatedness. "Adrian." He said, nodding his head at me with much ease. "You look pretty." He told me, biting his lip in what seemed like a seductive way. I couldn't help but blush at this. God if I were any lighter he'd be able to see the tint that deepened the shade of my skin.

"H-hi Alexei l-long time no s-see." I mentally face palm myself.

He simply nodded with an awkward smile pulling at his lips. "I suppose I'll see you two at dinner, carry on." He left the room, taking too much time in leaving for my liking. I was burning up like hell and his presence did nothing to calm my erratic nerves.

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