Love Potion

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𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 12𝘵𝘩, 1942 :

Foxy was a sight for sore eyes, that's for sure. The essence of an angel seeming to capture her alluring face. She was a twenty four year old beauty queen who sung at a bar every night. On this particular night, she wore a tight little pink dress that flared out at the ends paired white gloves that stood all the way up to her elbows. On her feet she wore a simple pair of white stilettos that complimented the dress quite beautifully.

A rumble of whistles and clapper erupted from the crowd as she and her two back up singers exited the stage. As she made it back to the bar for her second glass of alcohol for the night, she couldn't help but let her eyes trail the tall muscular frame that stood on the opposite side of the room. He wore a pure white suit, his white fedora still placed perfectly on his head. And though his body itself caught her eye, she was still left to only wonder what his face looked like. He kept his head down making it hard to get even a glimpse of his face especially with his white hat on.

He sat down at the piano, the room getting dead silent for a multitude of reasons. Mainly because he was obviously new here. He cleared his throat and placed his hands on the piano. It didn't take long for him to begin his work on the piano. Like magic, his fingers danced around on the keys letting the mesmerizing melody string throughout the atmosphere.

Like true musicians, the bass player and trumpeter began to add their own distinctive elements on top of the twinkling of his piano. In a matter of seconds, everyone was now standing up with a partner dancing and spinning around the bar grooving to the music. She took a swig of her red Antinori Villa Toscana wine, her appeal for him growing stronger.

She eyed him down, observing his each and every move. She vowed to herself that by the end of the night she would At least find out his name.

"You want that man?" The bartender asked her, smile plastered on his face. He threw a towel over his shoulder and started making an unknown cocktail.

"One cannot deny that mans beauty" she stated, still eyeing his figure.

"I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled. "I say go for it Foxy" he gave her a nod of approval before moving on to the man sat beside her.

By the time she had built up enough courage to talk to him, she had been stopped by the arm and yanked back. The music had now finished, and all eyes were on her.

"Blacks aren't allowed at the bar what are you doing sitting up here?" The man looked at her with cold eyes. She could tell he was drunk, but ignored him any way trying to walk away. "Ignore me again and I'll strike you one, good" he gritted his teeth and slammed the glass on the counter, shattering it to pieces. His grip on her arm grew progressively stronger, only heightening the pain she felt before.

She turned back around with an anxious grimace on her face. "S-sorry sir" She mentally pleaded with the man to just turn her loose as she tried to make herself seem like a lesser threat though she wasn't a threat to begin with.

"Is there a problem?" Asked the unfamiliar voice that came protruding behind her. "Ma'am, is this man bothering you?" Gently, the gentleman sat his hand on her shoulder sending an electrifying shiver down her spin. Looking up, she captured his steely blue eyes with her own, loosing touch with reality for a split second. It was the pianist.

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