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I WOKE UP BACK IN THE LAB, RICK WAS TELLING THE PLAN AS DARYL KEPT ARGUING. i had to put my hand on his shoulder to get him to calm down.

"there's nothing holding you two here. you should get out, head back to camp. i'd say the same for pres, but she's stubborn as a mule." rick dryly chuckled.

"damn right, i am." i snickered.

"and tell you're family what?" t-dog asked rick. we all gave each other looks and started prepping the guns.

"oh, and t-dog. you better not knock me out this time becuase i will cut you're dick off next time i wake up. ya' here me?" i gave him a look that meant not to cross me.

he gulped, "yeah, yeah, i understand." he grabbed his gun and started out the door.

"good." i mumbled.

"there's my sister." rick laughed, ruffling up my hair. "alright, alright!" i laughed pushing him to stop.

"oh, come on, this is nuts." the boy said.

i pushed him back down in the seat, "stand up with out permission and you'll be the one whose dick gets cut off." i sneered at the door. he quickly looked away, gulping in fear.

we all walked out going to where they held glenn. it took us a ten minute walk. we got to the place with a rag over the boys mouth. i had a gun pointed to his back as we walked there. so far, so good. looked like we were getting glenn back.

the doors opened by two people. i pushed the boy in and we all walked inside. we met up with G halfway.

"i see my guns but they're not all in the bag." G shook his head at us.

i spoke up, pointing my gun at his head. "that's because they ain't yours. i thought rick, my brother here, mentioned that. didn't he?" i laced my voice with sarcasm.

"ah, you two do look alike." G said and i gave him a smirk and a nod of my head.

"let's just shoot these fools right now, ese." one of his guys said to him.

"you see," i paused. "you might wanna rethink that. you'll be the first i kill if you draw yer' guns. ya' hear me?"

G pointed at me. "i like you." he smirked. "you wanna rethink this and join us?" i gave him a smirk.

"nah. what i do need you to rethink is that you give us our asian back. how about that?" i told G.

"come on, let's unload on their asses, ese." the guy said again. he was already pissing me off.

"i don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation." G looked to rick.

rick put his gun down. "no, i'm pretty clear." rick got his knife out and cut the boy loose, pushing him to the other. "you have your man. i want mine." he lowered his voice. "and hers." he smirked pointing to me.

i scoffed, "rick, this is no time to joke around about things. look, we just want glenn back. we gave you your man. give us ours?" i said more as a question.

"i'm gonna chop up your boy. i'm gonna feed him to my dogs. they're the evilest, nastiest man eating bitches you ever saw." he laced his voice with venom, getting face to face with rick. "i picked em up from satan at a grave yard. i told you how it has to be."

"oh, yeah? well how about i cut you open and let your homies watch you screaming in agony and maybe even feed you to those walkers out there. alive." i tried to sound more intimidating. seemed like it was working as his guys put they're guns on me. i lifted my hands up in mock surrender and laughed.

it is what it is // GLENN RHEEWhere stories live. Discover now