t w e n t y - n i n e

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last chapter was shorter, i know. i'm sorry but this chapter'll be longer. don't worry.


CARL AND I WERE SITTING DOWN AS LORI TRIED TO FEEL FOR SOME AIR. i got up feeling as if something was wrong. i helped lori, trying to figure out what was happening.

carl spoke up after about five minutes, "mom, aunt press. something wrong?" he asked us. we stopped dead in our tracks; stopping from what we were just doing.

"uhm—" lori started, "nothing. it's just..." she paused.

"the air conditioning stopped." i said before lori. she took a little too long to tell carl so i told him.

• • •

i walked up to jenner, i looked around to make sure that no body was in my sight so i could get onto jenner, "hey, shit face!" i yelled out, smacking his arm. "you gonna let us out?"

no response.

"hey! answer me, damnit!" i smacked him again. i was getting riled up. he wouldn't answer me and every second he didn't it pissed me off even more. he shouldn't cross me. i'm pressley. fucking. grimes. and no one messes with us grimes.

still, no answer.

i was getting pissed. so, i grabbed the nearest object closest to me; which was a crow bar. i put it up in the air about to swing as i heard footsteps running into the room.

"presley, stop!" i heard rick yell out my name. they ran over each one of the grabbing onto me so that i couldn't hit jenner.

glenn grunted when i kicked him in the balls, "do you seriously not want me to have kids?" he groaned.

i ignored him, "get the fuck off me, shane!" i didn't trust him; not after what he tried to pull with lori. i shrugged everyone off of me and threw the crow bar at the wall, pissed off.

rick quickly followed behind jenner as he got up, "jenner, what's happening?" he asked.

glenn grabbed my arm and pulled me with them. he was stronger than me so i couldn't pry out of his grip.

"the system is dropping all the nonessential uses of power. it's designed to keep the computers running to the last possible second. that started as we approached the half hour mark. right on schedule." he pointed over to the timer that said 31:28 and kept counting down. "it was the french." he said after daryl snatched the alcohol bottle away from him, looking pissed off as hell.


"they were the last ones to hold out as far as i know." jenner turned around to face us. "while our people were bolting out the doors and commuting suicide in the hallways, they stayed in the labs till the end." he informed us. "they thought they were close to a solution."

"what happened?"

jenner looked back at all of us, "same thing that's happening here. no power grid. ran out of juice. the world runs of fossil fuel. i mean, how stupid is that?" he turned around to us.

i scoffed, "very stupid if you ask me." i mutter getting elbowed slightly by glenn. i rolled my eyes and kept listening to jenner.

i could see the anger fueling off of shane as he ran up to try to get to jenner, "let me tell you—" rick grabbed his shoulder to make him stop. "to hell with it, shane."

rick turned around to face lori and i, "lori, grab our things. everybody, get your stuff. press, help me with this." i nodded my head and headed over to shane to try to calm him down.

i know that shane isn't one of my favorite people to see right now but he was still my best friend. my family. you don't turn your back on family.

i walked over to shane and put my hand on his shoulder giving it a light squeeze letting him know that i was there for him. just as i was about to say something an alarm started blaring.

i turned around quickly, "what's that?" i turned to jenner but he gave me no answer.

"thirty minutes to decontamination." VI said as a timer started counting down.

"doc, what's going on here?" daryl raised his voice in concern. i looked over at daryl and gave him a look. he wasn't going to beat jenners ass if this went south. no. i was going to.

shane turned around to everyone. "y'all heard rick. get your stuff and let's go! go now! go!" he yelled at everyone to keep moving.

he turned to me but it was like i was a blank page. i couldn't move. i was like a deer who stopped themselves seeing headlights. shane shook my shoulders trying to get me to look at him. to snap out of my state. i could barely hear his voice. it was as if he was all the way across the other hall.

i turned to look at him but i couldn't say anything. it was like my brain wasn't letting me. one thing led to another and glenn quickly switched places with shane so that he could help the others.

glenn looked me in the eyes, "press, look at me. look at me, press. i need you to breath for me. come on. your a cop. you can't let your country down. you can't let rick down or shane or carl...or me. don't let us down. give us back the badass pressley that we all know and love." i could hear glenn's voice a little bit.

i started breathing in and out trying to take back over my body. after a minute or two i was back. i looked over at jenner and then back to glenn. i stormed over to jenner and slapped him in the face before anyone could stop me.

glenn and daryl quickly ran over to me as i started yelling, trying to get out of their grip. "let me at the sum bitch! let me at him! i'll give him a good ass whooping! he's going to kill us all so at least let me take him out!" i scrambled in their arms trying to get to him. i quickly relaxed when rick came into view.

"you hit him?" he looked at me in disbelief.

i shrugged my shoulders as i got myself together, "my hand slipped what can i say?" i laughed slightly, "didn't mean to. sorry, doc." i patted him on the shoulder and went to go sit down.

all of a sudden the doors closed. i quickly got back up to see that jenner had closed the doors. i looked to glenn and saw pure fear in his eyes, "no. did you just lock us in?" he turned around to see and emotionless jenner standing ahead of us. "he just locked us in!" glenn yelled out.

i ran over to glenn, quickly wrapping my arms around his neck as i cried into his chest. he wrapped his arms around my waist and cried quietly into the crook of my neck. we didn't make any sounds as we cried. our body's just shook but everybody knew how much we were hurting.

i turned around to hear the commotion of daryl, rick and shane. shane was trying to get daryl away from jenner. daryl only moved his seat before shane got a hold of him.

i quickly let go of glenn, wiped my tears and ran over to daryl. "hey. hey. hey. look at me, daryl. look at me." he didn't look at me so i had to resort to yelling, "look at me, dammit!" i lightly hit his arm.

he finally looked at me as i took the bottle out of his hand and put it down. i kissed his cheek and made him walk off and sit down.

rick quickly walked over to jenner, anger written all over his face. "hey, jenner, open that door now." he stopped right by a nervous jenner.

"there's no point. everything topside is locked down." jenner informed rick. "the emergency exits are sealed."

"well, open the damn things!" dale spoke up.

"that's not something i control. the computers do." he lied. "i told you once that front door closed, it wouldn't open again. you heard me say that. it's better this way." he told us.

i turned around to face him, "what is? what happens in twenty eight minutes?" he just looked at me and then started typing on his computer. shane then kicked the desk beside him.

"what happens in twenty eight minutes?!" rick yelled at him. "you know what this place is?!" jenner yelled back. "we protected the public from very nasty stuff! weaponized smallpox! ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! stuff you won't want getting out! ever!" after he was done yelling he sat down in his chair and recollected himself.

it is what it is // GLENN RHEEWhere stories live. Discover now