t h i r t y - f o u r

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i know that last chapter was short.
i'll try to make this one not as short.

DARYL AND I WERE IN THE BARN WITH RANDALL. daryl was trying to get some answers out of him (which means punching the shit out of him) while i stood back with my gun ready and my arms crossed over my chest.

"i told you—"

"you sing told me shit!" daryl yelled and punched him again.

"i barely knew those guys! i met 'em on the road." the kid yelled out.

"how many in your group?" i spoke up.

the boy didn't answer looking off to the side, "you better answer her, boy." daryl seethed as he started to get his knife out of his holster, slowly.

"how many?!" he slammed his knife down.

"uh, 30. 30. 30 guys."

"where?" i asked.

"uh..." he started as daryl pulled off his bandage. the kid cried out. "i don't know! i swear!" he put his head back against the wall. we were never anyplace more than a night."

daryl started to dig his knife into the boys wound, slowly. "scouting? planning on staying local?" daryl seethed.

"i-i don't know. they—they left me behind."

"did you ever pick off a scab?" daryl started to put his knife more into the kids scar.

"cmon, man! i'm-i'm trying to cooperate."

"your starting real slow at first." i spoke up from behind daryl and the boy. "sooner or later, you've just gotta rip it off. go on, daryl. do your thing. you see, daryl has a thing for cutting peoples body parts off." i started as the kid started to grow more fearfully.

"i remember it as if it were yesterday. we were i atlanta and this hispanic dude got in our way...you know what he did?" i asked the kid.

"w-what? what'd-what did he do?" the kid asked startled.

"he cut the guys hand off. said if he didn't say anything else he'd go to cut off his foot and feed it to these walkers out here." i put my gun to the boys head. "you want that to happen to you, huh?" the boy didn't answer.

daryl backed up seeing how agitated i got. i pulled my fist back and hit the kid square in the nose. that hurt my hand like a bitch. i didn't show it though.

"answer me, puto! yeah, didn't know i know how to speak spanish, did ya? don't worry. i'm not fluent. or am i? supongo que nunca lo sabremos." i smiled at the boy. "that means 'i guess we'll never know.' just in case you wanted to know." i smiled dreadfully at the boy.

he looked really scared. as i pulled my fist up again he yelled, "okay! okay! they have weapons— heavy stuff. automatics. but i didn't do anything." the kid cried out.

"your boys shot at my boys." i told randall. "tried to take this farm. i can't have that. neither can, daryl." i seethed out.

"you just went along for the ride? you're trying to tell me you're innocent?" daryl raised his voice at him.

"yes! these-these people took me in. not just guys—a whole group of em. men and women, kids too— just like you people. thought i'd have a better chance with them, you know? but...we go out, scavenge— just the men."

"one night we— we found this little campsite. a man and his two daughters. teenagers you know? real young. real cute." randall paused as i looked to him in dread.

"their daddy had to watch while these guys-they- and they didn't even kill him afterwards. they just-they just made him watch as his daughters — they just left him there. no. but-but-but j didn't touch those girls. i swear. i didn't touch em!"

daryl then started to kick randall. the kid started pleading to daryl as i started to zone out.

"i can't wait this shit anymore." i walked out of the barn with teary eyes to see glenn and rick standing there looking at me in pity.

i walked up to glenn and cried into his chest. he held me there until i calmed down. i finally told them what randall had just told us. i was sick to my stomach at what that kid had told daryl and i.

just sick.

"it makes me sick glenn. just sick that those girls and that father had to go through that!" i cried out.

glenn smoothed my hair out, "i know, baby. i know. they didn't deserve and i wish that you never were able to hear what that boy said."

it is what it is // GLENN RHEEWhere stories live. Discover now