t w e n t y

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"anybody infected?" the man raised his voice at us. he had a gun in his hand. ready to shoot pjs of us, if need be.

i looked at the ground and frowned, "one of the group was." i informed the man. "he didn't make it, though. it's just us." i told him again.

"why are you here? what do you want?" i get that he was being cautious. maybe he didn't want to die. who knows.

"a chance." rick breathed out.

"that's asking a awful lot these days."

"well, no shit." i scoffed, moving my gun back into my holster. i knew he wasn't going to shoot any of us. it looked like he hadn't even had experience with shooting a gun in his life.

rick ignored my comment, rolling his eyes in the process and kept talking to the man. "i know." he breathed out.

the man looked at every single one of us. locking his eyes with rick, "you all submit to a blood test. that's the price of admission." he informed us.

"we can do that." rick told the guy.

he put his gun down and started walking. "you got stuff to bring in, you do it now." he told us as he was walking. "once this door closes, it stays closed." he said sternly.

we grabbed all of our things and ran through the double doors of the building. the man locked the doors to where we wouldn't be able to get out. i didn't think anything of it at first. i thought we actually found a place to live

he swiped a card through a transmitter. "VI, seal the main entrance." he paused, turning around. "kill the power up here." he said.

"rick grimes." rick held his hand out for the Dr to shake his hand. he looked down at it then looking back up to his face.

"dr edwin jenner."

we all got into the elevator. i was in between glenn and daryl. it was pretty snug since there was a lot of us.

"doctors always go around packing heat like that?" daryl spat out.

"there were plenty left lying around i familiarized myself." he paused. "but you look harmless enough." he looked down at my nephew, carl. "except you. i'll have to keep my eye on you." he chuckled, making carl smile.

i smiled at carls happiness. i hated it when i saw him and sophia cry. sophia was like a little sister to me. except way younger.

"are we underground?" carol spoke up.

"are you claustrophobic?" he asked the woman.

" a little."

"try not to think about it." we walked into a big room area where it was really dark. "VI, bring up the lights in the big room." he raised his voice for whoever he was talking to would hear him. "welcome to zone five."

"where is everybody?" rick asked jenner. it was weird that he was the only person we saw. we all walked forward, with glenn protectively in front of me kind of.

i was still trying to ignore glenn. i don't know why i was so stubborn. i guess when i do something i have to plan it out.

"the other doctors, the staff?" i said after rick. rick looked back at me and avoided his gaze. i didn't want to look at him right now. not at this second.

"i'm it. it's just me here."

lori spoke up, "what about the person you were speaking with?" she was right to be a little concerned. we barely even knew this man.

"VI, say hello to our guest." jenner paused. "tell them...welcome." he told VI.

"hello, guests. welcome."

"i'm all that's left." jenner informed us. it was kind of sad, being pent up here, all alone. no friends. no family. nothing. nobody. "i'm sorry." he told us. it was kind of a bummer to rick because he thought the CDC could save us.

he was taking out blood tests about ten minutes later. andrea asked some stupid question on why he was doing this. think, andrea. he was doing it to keep himself safe. he doesn't want to get infected.

she stood up, looking like the got the dizzy spells. jacqui told him that she hasn't eaten in days; that none of us have.

he offered us some food and some wine. i was sat next to daryl, not wanting to sit next to glenn.

he had his voice low so that the others couldn't hear our conversation. "so, why aren't you sitting with your little asian boyfriend?" he had a devilish smirk, smacked across his face. i knew he was enjoying teasing me.

i scoffed at his words, "he's not my boyfriend." i defended my self. was i so blind to see that maybe just maybe that glenn actually wanted something other than sex?

daryl turned to look at me. "i see the way you look at him. the way he looks at you. but you little shit, you," he pointed at me. "keep him in the dark about things. sooner or later he's going to quick trying to be something more. think
about it?" he said it more as a demand than a question. i knew how daryl was.

"jackass." i muttered under my breath.

everyone was laughing, a little drunk. dale was pouring some more wine in my cup. "you know, in italy. children have a little bit of wine with dinner. and i'm france." he told lori, trying to get her to let carl have a sip of wine.

"well, when carl is in italy or france, he can have some then." she took sip of her own drink as her other hand was over carl's glass.

"what's if gonna hurt?" rick said to his wife, trying to win her over with the idea of carl having wine.

"come on. let the kid have some." i laughed, drinking some more of my wine.

she finally gave in, letting dale pour some wine into carls glass. he took a sip and made a face. "eww." he set his glass down.

"that's my boy!" i laughed, taking his glass and pouring the wine into my glass before lori could pour it into hers.

shane looked at me and laughed. "well, just stick to soda pop there, bud." he told carl.

daryl then looked at me and smirked. what was he about to do? "not you glenn." he told glenn sternly.

"what?" he laughed nervously.

"keep drinking, little man, i want to see how red your face can get."

it is what it is // GLENN RHEEWhere stories live. Discover now