f i f t e e n

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I WOKE UP, GROANING AS I TRIED TO SIT UP IN BED. it was hard becuase i had just gotten hurt. i looked down and saw that i was in a bandage and my sports bra.

i didn't see who was beside me until he got into my line of sight. "presley." he breathed out. "i thought- i thought that you-" his voice cracked of emotion.

i looked at him, guilty for the way he felt. it was my fault he felt like this. "i'm here. i'm not going anywhere, glenn. you hear me?" i reassured that i wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

"i know, i know. it's just-i really care about you, pres." i smiled slightly at his words. "you're my best friend." my smile dropped. there it was friend. nothing more, nothing less.

i quickly smiled again, "your mind too, glenn. always and forever." i saw something flicker in his eyes but it was too hard to tell. as soon i saw it, the quicker it was gone.

"alright, well, i'll leave you to getting to rest. i'll bring you some breakfast." he smiled at me.

"i'll go with you." i tried but he quickly shut me down.

"no! i mean, no. you just woke up and you've got a lot of stitches in you. are you sure you wanna be walking around so soon?" glenn looked concerned as i tried to stand but failed.

i had him help me up and out of my tent. "how long was i out for?" i asked as soon as i sat down on a log in the middle of camp.

glenn cleared his throat, "uhm—for about a day or so. you're cut was pretty nasty. both of them were. do you need a shirt? i don't know why i just realized you weren't wearing a shirt." i chuckled at his childish ways, smiling up at him.

"no, no, i'm okay."

"presley, good to see your alive and well. put a damn shirt on." rick stormed up to me.

i stood my ground and licked my lips. "you know what. i got something for you on my run but now since you wanna be a bitch to your sister who—just woke up. i don't think i want to give it to you now." i crossed my arms over my chest, being difficult.

rick chuckled, "that's what you did? went to go on a run, by yourself? why were you being so careless?!" he raised his voice at me.

"because i needed to get out! i don't like it being cooped up here not having anything to do just because i'm a damn woman! i can work. i'm a cop. was a cop. but i'm just as good as you and shane. hell! maybe i'm better. so how about you worry about your damn self!" i yelled at him. making everyone appear around us.

daryl was the first to speak up, "you know, ricks right. you were being careless. like you don't have anything else to live for. you could've asked one of us to take you." he scolded me. "glenn, give her your shirt." daryl pointed at me. "i don't blame you. neither does rick. we were all worried about you. he just wants what's best for you." he sat down on a log pealing the skin of a squirrel.

glenn handed me his shirt, telling me to put it on quickly. i swear him, daryl, shane and rick are the most over protective of me. i guess they didn't want anyone staring at me.

"sorry, rick." i sighed and got his gift i got him from my back pocket and handed it to him. "will this make it up for me yelling at you?" i asked him, smiling.

he moved it around in his hands, then putting it away. "yeah, i guess." he smiled pulling me into a loving hug.

i scoffed, "i guess? well, if that's the case give me that sheriff back, sheriff." i smirked and laughed as he held it up to high for me.

"careful. i don't want you to hurt yourself." glenn scolded me before i could try and jump up to get the key chain i gave rick.

before i could answer glenn, rick spoke up. "he's right. you could tear you're stitches. you better be careful, pres." rick pointed his finger at me.

"when am i not careful?" him, glenn and daryl have me a look. "you know what? don't answer that." i laughed.

i felt someone come up behind me, putting their hands over my eyes. "guess who?" the person asked.

i clearly knew it was shane. "uhm, let's see." i fake pondered. "glenn?" i laughed as he scoffed and took his hands from my face and turned me around.

he pulled me into a tight embrace. i felt his tears rolling down my neck. "i thought i had lost you. the moment glenn told me you weren't anywhere in sight or in you're tent. and- and when you came back all bloody and me-messed up. i thought you bled out when you fell into glenn's arms." he cried into my neck even more.

"but, i'm here now. i know it was dumb of me to go off on my own like that but, i got you something." i smiled and pulled it out of my back pocket. it was the same as ricks. i handed it to him and he laughed.

"a cop?" he asked.

"yeah, reminded me of you." i smiled. "oh, and glenn, daryl. i got you both soemthing. come here you twats." i laughed as daryl groaned and stood up walking over to me.

glenn was already beside me, looking confused. i handed glenn the dodge keychain that said: anything that you think is impossible is possible if you just believe in it.

i gave daryl his little quiver key chain. he chuckled at the fact that it looked exactly like his own.

"thanks, pres."

i opened my arms and smiled, "come on, everyone. give me a hug. all of you." rick, glenn, daryl and shane all gave me a big hug.

if someone had a picture i'd keep it forever.

it is what it is // GLENN RHEEWhere stories live. Discover now