t w e n t y - f o u r

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if you play roblox add me walkingdead_twd.

my old acc used to be pandabama112 but i can't get back into it since it's like old bc i made it when i was like 5-6.

i love this game; rainbow friends. it's like one of my favorite games on roblox.

anyways let's get back to the story!! i know y'all want to see more of glenn.

one question tho: who's your favorite twd character? you can pick more than one if you'd like.

mine is rick, carl, daryl, carol, glenn, michonne, maggie. yeah i got a lot of fav characters lol.

anyways actually back to the story!!


i woke up next to glenn the next morning. i had a huge hangover. my head felt like it was going to explode.

i put on my tank top, my shorts, and my flip flops that i got from my house before the world went to shit. i only wore them in the morning and when i didn't go on runs.

i walked slowly into the big room where everyone else was. i saw all of their smiles and grins when i walked into the room. "yeah, yeah. laugh it up." i chuckled as i sat down next to carl, ruffling his hair.

rick walked into the room about five minutes later. he looked hungover as hell. "morning." is all he said when he stumbled to sit in his chair.

carl looked up at him and smiled. "are you hungover?" he paused. "mom said you'd be." he smiled at ricks answer.

"mom is right." he smiled at carl. i knew his head had to be pounding.

"mom has that annoying habit." lori mumbled lowly.

t-dog walked into the room with a pan in his hand. "eggs are done. their powdered, but—but i do 'em good." t-dog defended himself before anyone could intervene. "i bet you can't tell." he said.

glenn came and sat beside me moaning from his pounding head of a hangover. i rubbed his back trying to comfort him through his pain. i knew how it felt. it does not feel good.

"protein helps the hangover." t-dog just made me learn something new.

glenn kept groaning. "remind me to never ever ever ever drink again, pres." he mumbled under his breath. i put my arm around his shoulders.

"don't worry. i'll probably be the one to drink. that is if we find anymore booze after this." i chuckled as everyone gave me pointed looks. "what? this place may not last. i'm not a kind of hopeful person." i shrugged my shoulders and started eating my eggs.

shane walked in when i was standing up to get a glass of water. "hey, what's those marks on your neck?" he flinched as i tried to touch his stratches.

"what happened to your neck?"

"i must have done it in my sleep." shane said as he sat down.

"never seen you do that before." i was getting suspicious of shane. he never used to do that.

"me neither. not like me at all."

i saw him look at lori. i also saw that there was some tension between the two. i was good at putting two and two together. but why would she cheat on rick?

i wasn't sure if she did becuase i didn't have any evidence so i guess everything is going to have to play out on its own.

"well, glenn and i've got to go..."

daryl snickered, "what? to have more sex?" he laughed as i ran over to hit him but he just grabbed my wrists. "wouldn't do that if i were you, pres." he tried to warn me but i didn't listen. i slapped him on the head. "oh. now you've done it." he laughed, chasing me around the table.

"i'm sorry!" i yelled as i ran behind glenn. "save me, glenn." i hid behind him knowing that daryl was right in front of him.

"glenn. you best move out of my way." he said sternly.

the worst thing to happen is that glenn actually moved. "ah, fuck you glenn!" i laughed running away from daryl again.

"come here ya' little shit!" we both laughed as he caught up to me. he started tickling me, making me laugh.

"ow! stop! stop! i'm sorry!" i laughed through the pain. it was starting to hurt from all the laughing. "please, i'll do anything!" he laughed as i begged for him to stop.

everyone started laughing at our little interaction. "really? okay, you'll have to cook for me for a week." he smirked when he saw my face fall.

"well, i guess you should start liking mac and cheese. unless...you like cheese burgers. i can make anything that's simple. you name it." i laughed a little. i was nervous. i didn't want to be tickled again.

"okay, you got yourself a deal there, spunky."

"spunky? guess you found me a new nickname. looks like i gotta find one for you...let's see...firecracker. yeah. get it? becuase you—"

"yeah, yeah. i get it."

it is what it is // GLENN RHEEWhere stories live. Discover now