s i x t e e n

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"so? we're actually going to the CDC?" i asked rick as i made my way over, standing next to glenn. he had waved and smiled at me when he saw me arise from my tent.

i didn't want to be rude and not go over to him. glenn is really nice and funny too. he can make a joke even if we're all about to die by a bunch of damn walkers.

shane had his hands on his hips. "why though? let's just go to fort benning. the CDC has nothing for us!" shane raised his voice. i hated it when my brother and best friend got into arguments like this.

"shane..." i paused thinking carefully of my next words since he could lash out on me, but i doubt it. "the CDC is closer and maybe ricks right about all this." i tried to reason with him.

"it's one hundred miles." lori informed us. "we wouldn't last without food or water." she argued with shane.

shane was getting angrier by the second. "fine. if you want fo go up there. fine by me. let's take a vote." he suggested. "who wants to go to the CDC and who wants to go to fort benning?" he asked everyone.

morales and his wife and children came up fo us. "we won't be going." morales informed us with the crushing news. me and him were friends. he helped save me on a run once or twice. he saved my bacon.

"what, why?" i asked him. i could feel the tears forming but i blinked them away. i had to be strong.

"we've already discussed it. we've got some family up in birmingham." his wife nodded agreeing with his words.

"alright." i sighed. i took out my gun, "here, take it." i tried to give it to him but he refused.

"no, you need it for you, pres. i know how you are. i mean, that's why you've got all those stitches." he chuckled at his words.

rick stepped up, "well, at least take this one. you need to keep your wife and kids safe. have a safe trip." rick told them.

we all said our good byes to them before they left. it was kind of sad to see them go. carl and sophia were both upset since they were friends with the kids.

"it'll get better." i pulled carl into a side hug. "it always does." i tried to reassure him. there was no point in giving him bad courage.

"so, it's settled. we'll be going to the CDC in the morning. pack your bags and get the cars ready. we've got a long night ahead of us." rick informed us, going back to his own tent to get his things.

glenn put his hand on my back, motioning me to go to my tent. "come on, i'll help you with your stuff. i kind of already got my things packed." he chuckled.

i looked at him in surprise. "i don't know why i'm so surprised. i guess, i never thought we'd leave this place. hell, i didn't even think we'd make it." i brutally told him, speaking my mind.

he walked up to me and put his hand on my cheek, "hey, don't say that. you've got me." he smiled at me.

he caressed my face with his thumb, rubbing it in circles. i leaned into his touch, smiling at the fact that he was touching me.

he let go going to pick up my jacket. i realized that the condoms were under there. "no! do-" it was already to late. he saw them. i saw his cheeks redden, as did mine.

he looked at them and picked them up. "i uhm—here. good luck with whoever your seeing." he handed me the condoms and tried to leave the tent but i didn't let him.

"glenn—" i stumbled with my words as he turned around. the next thing i did surprised him. mainly me. i wasn't the one to usally make the first move, but i did.

i kissed him. it got heated quick. he didn't waste any time to put his tongue in my mouth. our tongues were fighting against each other as if one of us were trying to be the dominant one. he ended up being the dominant one, pushing me on the bed.

we let go to catch our breaths. he was panting heavily and so was i. he then had a look on his face that i couldn't make out.

"what?" i asked him.

"are you seeing anybody?" he asked out of no where.


"i mean, with the condoms and all—i just thought—maybe you're seeing someone."


"is it daryl? you two are pretty close." he paused.

"glenn—" i tried to interrupt him but it didn't work.

"shane? you two have known each other since the break out and are both pretty—" i cut him off, kissing him.

i let go to catch my breath and so did he. "i'm not seeing anyone. i just grabbed them for—i don't know honestly. i mean—i don't know." i tried to explain to him.

"so, you are? is there someone your seeing out there?" he asked looking hurt.

"glenn, no! do you not realize? it's you it's always been you." i told him.

at that his eyes lit up and his lips turned into a wide grin. "oh." seriously that's all he could think of?

i was about to talk until he leaned down and kissed me passionately on the lips. it was nice and slow not like the last two times; rough and hard; fighting for dominance.

"i'll have sex with you."

"what?" i breathed out.

"well, i thought—that maybe you—since you told me that you liked me—i'm sorry—" i cut him off once again grabbing his face and smashing my lips into his.

"get. the. condoms." i breathed out.

glenn pinned me down on the bed, putting my hands above my face. he kissed along my jaw and neck. he found my good spot, sucking, biting on it. i let him do whatever he pleased with my body.

he huffed out a groan when i let out soft moans against his touch. he quickly took his shirt off and i did the same, unclipping my bra. 

we kissed for a few more seconds until he leaned back up to look me in the eyes. "you sure?" i nodded my head, giving him permission to fuck me.

i couldn't wait any longer so, i undid his belt and he took off his jeans and boxers. i looked down at his long member, with wide eyes.

he took off my jeans and underwear, getting ready to put himself inside of me. i let out a loud moan. i didn't mean for it to escape my lips. it hurt really bad when he was going in and out slowly. i had to keep my hand over my mouth and stop myself from crying.

he took his member out and i looked at him in question. "you okay? i can stop if it hurts too much." he insisted.

i shook my head, "no, no. keep going. i'll get used to it. don't worry." i told him.

he readjusted himself, pushing his member back in. once it didn't hurt anymore he moved faster. i let out soft moans from my covered mouth. they would've been louder if nobody was at camp and if i didn't have my hand over my mouth.

i hips moved back and forth with his own, moving in sync. "oh, fuck. i'm about to cum." i moaned out. "fuck, g-glenn." i was a sputtering mess.

i'm pretty sure with how hard and fast he was moving in between me was going to make me not physically able to walk tomorrow.

"i'm gonna cum."


okay so i don't know if this was any good. i don't really do any sex scenes tbh. i just wanted to try it out idk lol

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