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Minseo's pov

I woke up after moving too much to find a comfortable position, but it woke me up much more and it annoyed me.

I rub my eye and look at the clock, seeing its almost 10am, so I would say a great time, but Yeji wasn't laying with me anymore, and her bag with bags were also gone.

"Ryujin-ah!" I shout and stood up, opening my door and she peek out her room that was infront of mine.

When we were younger we shared the room she have now because its big, but 2 years ago we separated and I got this room now.

"Yes?" She ask.

"Where's Yeji? I took her to sleep this night, she and her bag are gone" i say.

"You miss her already?" She tease me.

"Its not that, Ryujinnie. She was really really emotional once we got into my room. I had her in my arms the whole night, where is she? She wouldn't just leave if I give her the opportunity to be held in my arms" I say and open my door more to stand a little outside.

"Yeji told me I shouldn't tell you because you're homesick, or were, but Eomma and Appa kicked her out after Yuna told them how Yeji treated you before. I think she just don't really understand and wants to protect you. Yeji is not welcomed in here so... it will be complicated to bring her here when we will meet here with friends and all" she say and point at Yuna's room.

"When did she left?" I ask again.

"1 or 2 hours ago, I think. I don't really know" she say.

"Can you drive me to the dorms? You know I can't because of my ankle, and I don't want to take an uber" I say and walk into my room to get my phone and my charger, and the plushie I took with me.

"Okay, I'll drive you there, but I'll be back here then. We can secretly make some plans how we can get Yeji here too" she say the last sentence quietly and we both make our way to the front door.

She helped me the stairs up by carrying me on her back again.

"Thank you" I hug her shortly.

"Yeah, no problem. Call me if you need something" she say, making the calling hand sign.

I nod my head and open the door of mine and Yeji's dorm, taking off the shoes and closing the door again.

I went slowly into our room, not seeing her in her bed, so I look at mine and seeing her curled up under my blanket.

I went to my bed and she's sleeping, but she definitely cried when she needed to leave.

I start to caress her cheek and I feel bad that she got kicked out and isn't welcome anymore at our house.

She turn a little and put her head on my lap, I'm still caressing her cheek "you cried again, hm? I'm sorry they just kicked you out without letting me know" I say and she just don't react, probably don't want to show any emotions now.

"Do you remember anything when you were drunk?" I ask her and she nod her head.

"Okay, that's good. You should be honest to me with your feelings, Yeji. Even if I don't really show that I care or something, I will listen to you. You said I'm your comfort person, your safe place, so you can talk with me" I tell her and she just sigh out a little, but no talking.

"Minseo?" She say, kinda sounding like she's asking.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You really don't hate me?" She ask and look a little up.

I shake my head at her "Maybe I seem like I do, but not really, not anymore. Over the few weeks you're growing closer to me. I see alot that you try and be close to me, cuddling with me, comforting me, treating me good, getting things I like. Maybe my trust for you isn't fully existing, but I hope it will come. Ryujin and I will think about plans how we can get you into our house. I'm sorry about that, but Ryujin and I think that Yuna told them because she worries and don't want me to still get picked on and all, she can be a little over protective too about me and Ryujin. I'll make sure that Yuna will know that you can be sweet too" I say and she sit up, sitting infront of me.

"I don't blame her... I can understand that she won't trust me and want to protect you. Why didn't you stayed home? You're homesick, Minseo. I don't want to be the reason why you might miss them because you feel sorry for me" she say and I take her hands in mine, and she smiles a little.

"Yeji, you don't understand. I'm not sure if you really remember. But it seems like you hate it alot being left alone. You want to have a friendship like I have, you want to be treated like I treat my friends. I don't want you to be alone for the weekend because it seems like you won't go to your parents house too. Your friends are bad and you don't want something to do with them. What would you do here all alone by yourself?" I ask her and she shrug her shoulders.

"My parents live a bit far away from here, that's why I'm not there all of the time" she say and look sad.

"So, you get a little homesick aswell? You don't see your family often. Maybe we should make a trip there sometime soon so you can meet them finally again. I know how it feels being far away from the parents you lived with your whole life, it can hurt and can't be easy at all" I hug her and she pull me carefully on her lap.

"I'm thankful that you slowly... let me feel that you can treat me well too. Please treat me like this more, Minseo" she say and looks up to me.

"I will try. I'm not always like this, not even to my siblings" I tell her, looping my arms loosely around her neck.

"You don't know how bad I want to kiss you right now" she whispers.

"You're thinking too loudly right now, Yeji. And I'm also sure if we kiss then it probably leads to something more sexual. I don't want to have sex right now or do anything sexual. I mean, you can give me a peck if you really really have the urge to do this. But just this once" I tell her and she pecked my lips a lot, and her lips are always really soft when we share a kiss while having sex.

"Let's cuddle a little? I couldn't really keep you warm in the night and your legs are a little cold. That you really came here with the clothes you slept with last night" she say and roam her hands down to my thighs.

She just lays me down and she laid down on her side, so I did too and she spoon me in her embrace, guess its good that I'm a little smaller because I fit just perfectly in her embrace.

She kiss my head and snuggles close to me, getting the blanket more over me than herself. She really wants to get me and keep me warm.

I smile, because I really slowly like to cuddle, with her, either me holding her or her holding me, I like both of it.

enemies to lovers (g!p H. YJ x female reader) [Shin Minseo]Where stories live. Discover now