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Minseo's pov

I'm at my restaurant, eventhough I don't feel that well and all, I wanted to come and work and it makes me a little sad that Yeji can't be here.

Mino, an employee who makes me uncomfortable just came into the kitchen too, where me and Chaeyeon are cooking in right now.

"How are you?" He ask, we're all comfortable calling each other by our names, but I wish I would be strong enough to just kick him out.

"Good" I reply shortly and Chaeyeon already looks at me.

"Not asking me back? I'm good too, just to let you know. Do you maybe want to go to the bathroom with me?" He ask the last part in a whisper, gripping on my ass, and I feel always like I freeze in place whenever he just touch my arm and now my ass.

"I know your wife won't pleasure you because you're pregnant. I'm sure her dick is so small, let me change that for you and we go to the bathr-"

"Mino, its enough. Stop that and leave her alone" Chaeyeon push him away and is standing infront of me.

I'm close to her aswell because she's Chaeryeongie's big sister and she is for me aswell, so it made me happy when she asked me if she could work with me.

"Is it okay if I just go home?" I ask her after she brought Mino out to work again.

"You're the chef, and pregnant too, you should go home and rest, Minseo-ah. Let me call Yeji, maybe she can come pick you up" she say.

"No, don't tell her about this, Unnie. She worries about me alot... I don't want her to panic or something" I say and she put her phone into her pocket.

"Minseo, he is touching you on places, it's not the first time. Today the ass, last time it were your chest and your private part, he even rubs your baby bump what's really weird because he isn't close to you and all. It's not acceptable, you should let her know" she pat my shoulders, but I won't let her know about it, she would get too worried about me and mad at Mino.

Yeji's pov

Chaeyeon called me from work what had happened and that it happened often and that Minseo don't want to let me know, so I'm going home now to talk with her about it before going to the restaurant to make sure Mino won't work there anymore.

I walk inside our home and put my keys on the keyholder, seeing Minseo in the kitchen, probably making food for herself.

"Hey, darling" I say, hugging her from the back and she smiles, kissing my cheek.

"Hey. Do you want some food too?" She ask, turning off the stove.

"Yes, I would like to. You made enough? I'm sure our baby is hungry" I say and she chuckle.

"Yes, ofcourse. I'm really hungry too, I'll be fed, you'll be fed and our babygirl too" she say, rubbing her babybump.

I kiss her cheek and get two plates while she waits. I put the food on one plate and hand it to her, and she waddle away to take a seat at our dining area.

I took a seat beside her and she start to eat, because she always waits till I sit beside her and then starts to eat.

"Baby, Chaeyeon called me. Is it hard for you to tell me what happens there?" I ask her and start eating too.

She don't answer, so I look at her to just see her eating and looking down.

I pull her closer by her chair and she looks at me "Minseo, you should tell me. You got sexually assaulted, and he wouldn't mind doing it too because he already touches you. Why don't you tell me? You're always so honest with me, why wouldn't you tell me something so serious?" I put my spoon down and turn both of us around.

enemies to lovers (g!p H. YJ x female reader) [Shin Minseo]Where stories live. Discover now