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Yeji's pov
2years later

I'm sitting on the bed, since last year I live with Minseo together and she's also pregnant, being in the 5th month.

We're engaged, but we will wait till our babygirl is in the world and marry a month or two after she's giving birth to her.

We're having a comeback soon and I'm learning the lyrics for a few days now, and today is it a little harder because Minseo wants attention that I can't really give her right now.

The other girls still don't know anything about Minseo and what happened to her 2 years ago, being in the hospital and being disowned by her parents because she dont want them to know, especially her sisters because they're close to their parents.

I look at Minseo, because she holds herself a little up by my thighs, so I shortly put my lyrics to the side.

"Baby... I need to get the lyrics in my head" I say and she looks sad.

"Can you please just listen? It's important" she say and sit down on my lap.

I just look at her, putting my hands on her bare thigh "Okay, go ahead"

"Can you maybe come to the restaurant tomorrow? I'm not really comfortable being there alone with the workers" she play with my tshirt on my shoulders and I sigh a little out.

"Baby, I have a big schedule tomorrow. Please just stay home and then we can go there together when I'm done with my schedule so you won't be uncomfortable" I say, trying to somehow convince her but she shook her head.

"I need to work... can't you take tomorrow off?" She ask.

"You're your own chef, Minseo, and you're pregnant, they would understand when you won't work for a few days. And no, I can't take work off, I'm an idol, I can't just say I take a few days off and all, that's not possible. Stay home tomorrow, you're overall not feeling that well the last few days. If you need someone to be here while I'm gone then I can ask my mother to come over and stay with you" I say and she put her head on my shoulder.

She don't say anything, that's what she's doing sometimes and it annoys me a little, but I can't change it because I can't control how she feels, especially now that she's pregnant and even more emotional sometimes.

I sigh a little out and wrap my arms around her "Do you want to stay like that?" She nod her head, so I let her.

"Are you sleepy? Do you want me to cuddle you to sleep?"

"That would be great, Yeji" she say and got up from my lap to lay down beside me, so I scoop her in my arms when she wants to get hold, because it's not that often.

"I promise once the comeback is and everything is over I will ask for time off and take care of you, baby, but right now with a comeback it's not easy" I talk softly, rubbing my hand over her little baby bump, knowing it will also give her a little comfort because she once told me this.

"Its okay.. I'm sorry when I can get a bit too annoying, but sometimes I just really want and need your attention" she say, putting her hand over mine, brushing her thumb over it.

"Don't be sorry, you just want all that attention because you need it. The past few weeks I'm barely home and I'm sorry that I can't really be there for you and that you need to take care of yourself. The comeback is in 2 weeks and we have stages and all for around 3 to 4 weeks, so after that I can be there for you every day. If it's here or when you still want to work, I'll be there with you" I whisper to her and kiss her head.

"I'll be happy when you can be with me every day after your schedules and that you can probably.. hopefully take time off to be with me. I really want you to be with me when I'm giving birth to our daughter, I don't want to be alone at that time" she turn a little and look at me, and I know she wants that.

"I'll be with you, so I can calm you hopefully a little down, and you can hold my hand, but I overall want to be there when you give birth to our daughter" I kiss her forehead and get my arm on her back, so she stays in my embrace like that.

She looks at me with a smile on her face. I hold onto her cheeks and pull her in for a soft kiss.

She kisses me back and I feel against my lips a little that she smiles even more. I pull away and she have her head a little against my chest.

"Sleep well, baby. In the night, if you don't feel good then wake me up, I will take care of you" I say, because I want her to do that, and in the first few weeks she woke me up and all, so I hope she still do when she don't feel well.

"I will. Sleep well too, Yeji. Please don't stay awake for too long, it's not good. You can sleep in my arms later when you need to be hold" she mumble against my chest and I kiss her head again.

"I'll be fine, because I will hold you the whole night. You like to move around alot, especially laying on your back what you shouldn't really do. You're my baby, I'll be holding you" I tell her and she chuckle a little.

"You're my baby too, but okay, then hold me for the whole night" she say and gave me a peck on my lips before hiding back against my chest.

enemies to lovers (g!p H. YJ x female reader) [Shin Minseo]Where stories live. Discover now