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No one's pov
3½ months later

The girls and Yeji's family members are gathered in the hospital room, you just gave birth to your healthy babygirl in the night and since then Yeji was holding your baby.

"You're crying for hours now, Yeji" her mother said and wipe the tears away with some tissues.

"I'm just so happy, our babygirl is finally born. But I feel bad.. Minseo went through so much pain, I don't want her to go through this again" Yeji say, looking at her mother.

"If you only want to have one child, then she won't, but if you want two or more children then she needs to" she pat her head and sit back down.

"Unnie, please, I want to hold my niece now too" Yuna said, she wants to hold your baby for around 30mins now, but Yeji can't let her go.

"She's sleeping right now, and I don't want to let her go. My little babygirl finally in this world" she caress Yeseo's cheek, that's how you two named your daughter since its a mix of her and your first name.

"Unnie, just a little, please? If Minseo Unnie would be awake then she would let us hold her too" Yuna said again.

"But Minseo is asleep and rest. You can hold Yeseo soon, just not now. I can't bring it over myself to give her to someone else right now" she say, looking at your daughter and can't look away because she needs to make sure she still be asleep.

"So, when will you two marry? Do you wait when your daughter is 1 or 2 years old?" Yeji's older sister ask.

"We're thinking about it. I just want Minseo to be completely fine because she had a hard time giving birth to her. I'm happy that she's asleep right now, so please still talk quietly?" She ask around and everyone nod their heads, what makes her happy.

The others were there for a few more hours, but now it's only you, Yeji and your baby that you're breastfeeding.

Yeji is leaning on your shoulder because she's tired too "it's okay, you can sleep, Yeji. You've been awake since we got here at around 3am" you tell her and hold your baby in your arms while she's eating.

"No, when our babygirl is done eating I will put her to sleep so you can sleep soon" she say and look at you, caressing your cheek.

"You've went through so much by giving birth to our babygirl, I just want you to rest, baby. I'm on a break, so I can take care of you and our baby" she say with a smile and kiss your cheek.

"Right, you have a break, so that you can rest aswell. Please get some sleep, Yeji, ill be fine" you tell her again, trying to get her to get some sleep.

"I'm not gonna discuss this with you, baby. I don't want to sleep. I want to make sure our babygirl is sleeping and then get you to sleep. You put your body through so much. Carrying our princess for 9 months and then giving birth to her what took you long. Your body probably hurts and is sore. I don't care if I'm on a break and could sleep. I have more responsibilities now and that's taking care of you and our baby. I can't just let you do all the baby work. We will parent her together, not only you. I will take care of the both of you, no matter how many ours I slept. If I sleep enough or not at all, I'll be there to take care of you and our little girl" she start to caress your cheek, kissing your head.

"We wanted to have a baby, we have a baby now. We need to change diapers, bath her, feed her, well you're the one feeding her now but in some years she eats fruits and everything. We need to make appointments to know if our baby is healthy and everything. Having a child is a big responsibility and I don't want our daughter to grow up with only one parent around. I'll be making sure I'm more often home so you get rest and some sleep" she pulls you a little closer to her, trying to keep her eyes open.

She looks at your little girl, smiling and being proud of her.

Remembering how hard you two fought when you got a little closer, how much she tried to make everything right again, apologising and being there for you, meaning it that she feels sorry what she did to you. At the end, everything worked out and waiting for you was the best decision she could've made.

"You'll get a burnout if you won't take a break. You need to rest and sleep. I can sleep in the guestroo-"

"You'll be sleeping in our bed with me and our princess. You're on bed rest, you shouldn't move so much. I think we shouldn't have another baby in the future if the birth was already so complicated for you, it will be even more complicated in the future if we try to have another baby. We can spoil Yeseo a lot with love and attention and some money" she lift your head up, making you look at her.

"I don't mind having another baby in the future.." you tell her, looking down to Yeseo.

"I don't know... I don't want you to put your body through a pregnancy and birth again. Maybe we could ask your gynecologist or a doctor here how it would be if you'd be pregnant again. If it's a high risk then we don't have another baby, we really won't. Maybe we can adopt or anything, but you won't be giving birth another time" you smile a little, nodding your head at her.

"Okay, we have time to think about it. Now we will focus on Yeseo and then our marriage when she's a little older, being our little flower girl. I want her to be included in our wedding, and that maybe we get a babysitter for when it gets too late and all. Or maybe we will start our wedding in the morning and end it at around 10 or 11 pm, so our baby might be a little awake for too long but we will be with her when she sleeps. You know what I mean?"

"Yes, I understand what you mean. We can do it like that that we start our wedding early and end it at around 10 or 11 pm so our baby sleeps while we're around, or with us in our bed" she say, caressing your babies cheek gently, being scared she might hurt her or wake her up.

You pull your tshirt back up, patting your babies back a little.

"Can I hold her?" She ask you, knowing that she were holding her a lot today, and wants to hold her again.

"You really can't wait to hold her so much, hm?"

"She's just a few hours old, but I already love her very much"

"I love her very much too. We should feel like this because she's our daughter, our cute little baby" you lay your baby gently on Yeji's chest, maybe she will fall asleep like this too.

"She will always be our little baby, no matter how old she will get" you agree with her, leaning your head on Yeji's shoulder, kissing her cheek softly.

You watch how Yeji is holding Yeseo, caressing her cheek with her index finger, doing it gently. You adore this moment. Just you, your fiancé and your babygirl in one room and being there for each other.

You really hope you and Yeji will be together forever, till you two are old, maybe even have grandchildren in the future.

You actually don't want to think much about it and should just cherish your moments with your family now, and especially when you finally can go home with Yeji and your baby, being in a more comfortable bed, having Yeji around you and your girl and also having her take care of you two.

You'd definitely enjoy it that she's on a big break now to be there for you and Yeseo, because that's definitely what you need for the next few months to recover.

"I love you so much" you tell her, letting her know often that you love her very much.

She feels how you hide your face in the crook of her neck, always thinking it's cute when you do this.

"I love you so much too, baby" she whispers, kissing the top of your head a few times, after the kisses also leaning her head on your head to be affectionate with you.

Thank you for all the reads and comments and everything, i really appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed this story.

Have a great day/night/morning<3.

Love yall<3

enemies to lovers (g!p H. YJ x female reader) [Shin Minseo]Where stories live. Discover now