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Yeji's pov

Minseo and I woke up at the same time, and I'm already dressed, but she's whining around and don't want to get dressed.

She was laying on the bed and I was standing there with her clothes in my hands.

"Baby, just panties and a tshirt then" I say and throw the rest away and just hold a tshirt and panties in my hands.

"Its so comfortable like this right now. I just said a few days ago I won't do it, but I enjoy it so much being naked. I don't want to get dressed. Just lay down with me and cuddle" she say and pat the place beside her, so I just stopped and put the things to the side and lay down beside her.

"Okay, but when you feel cold or something you will get dressed" I say and she hugs me.

"I'll do, but we're a little under the blanket and you're warm enough. You're kind of my heating pad. I could easily use your hand as my heating pad when I'm on my period, that's how warm you are" she say and get my arm a bit over her, so I wrap it more around her waist.

"You can use my hand as a heating pad if you want. When is your period again? Or did you just had them?" I ask her, just to know so I know what to do for her.

"Soon, maybe next week or a few days earlier. So, no making love then" she say and boop my nose slightly.

"I'm okay with this, you know that. I'm gonna take care of you, every second till you might get annoyed by it and tell me you need a few minutes for yourself" I say and she give me a loving and soft peck on my lips.

"I won't get annoyed by it, I love every second with you, Yeji. You're treating me so well, eventhough I really would've never thought that. I'm happy that Ryujin could talk to my dumb brain and I gave you a chance" she hugs me and plant some kisses on my jaw and neck.

"I'm treating you like that, because I want you to feel loved and I want to be with you when you're ready" I put my hand on her cheek, and she looks at me.

"I feel loved, and I will tell you when I want to be with you. I'm really really honest with you and I want you to be honest with me too, Yeji, please know this" she say, after that pulling me into a kiss.

I kiss her back, caressing her cheek and my heart starts to pound faster against my chest.

The way she kiss me, it feels full of love, and it gives me a little comfort aswell somehow.

I pull away and she lay on her back, pulling me a little with her and I put my head on her chest, snuggling a little to her and close my eyes, enjoying every second with her too.

"When's your next schedule, Yeji?" She ask.

"No, don't remind me of it, baby. Let me enjoy the time with you" I whine a little and hug her tighter.

"I want to know, so I can give you breakfast in bed, so you go to your schedule all fit and all" she play with my hair.

"Hmmm... maybe I will think about telling you" I say, because breakfast in bed sounds good to be honest.

"Come on, tell me. You need to be fit for schedules" she pat my head a little and I just start to relax with her by my side.

"Tomorrow 7am. Its too early, don't wake up for it" I look at her.

"I'm not working right now or anything. I have all the time to do that for you and you deserve it, and I want you to eat before you leave, Yeji, its important. Even if you're not hungry, I will feed you still so you're full" she scold me a little bit and I chuckle.

"Hmm, I'll be happy if you feed me and baby me a little" I say and she laugh a little.

"I baby you alot, Yeji. But good to know that you like it" she pat my head again and kiss my forehead.

"So much of you saying you don't show me much love. You kiss me like almost every second every chance you get and you hold me most of the time" I say.

"Because you're just kissable, every single bit of you" she say and she blush a little.

"You're kissable too, everywhere, and the next time I will go down on you with my mouth, like I wanted to do earlier" I say and she slap my shoulder a little.

"Don't say it like that, it's embarrassing" she say and look a little away.

"Why? I bet you'd like it when I have my tongue ins-"

"Yeji, shu-.. be quiet, don't go into detail, it really is embarrassing" she say and I got a little up.

"What do you wanted to say?" I ask her, gripping her cheeks so she looks at me, I want to tease her a little bit now.

She looks at me and it seems like it makes her nervous a little, so I stopped.

"Sh, I just wanted to tease, and not to make you nervous, baby. Everythings okay" I peck her lips and she sigh a little out.

"Don't do this again, Yeji... the guys in America always said this to make me repeat and all.. I don't like this. Please don't do this again, Yeji.." she say and have teary eyes because of her trauma.

I got up and sit down beside her, pulling her in my arms "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to. I just wanted it to be a tease only. I'm sorry" I rub her back and she put her head on my chest and I just feel bad that I just reminded her of the time she had in America.

I kiss her head and wrap the blanket around her body, holding her tightly in my arms.

"Let's watch a movie and cuddle, princess?" I ask her, to get the atmosphere better and get her more comfortable again.

She nod her head and I lay down, holding her still and she rest on top of me, being wrapped in the blanket like a burrito.

She started to relax and I glance at her, seeing that she have her eyes closed, and there are some tears on her eyelashes, what makes me sad.

I brush my thumb over her eyes "I hope you know that you can cry if you need to. I'm sorry I reminded you about your trauma, baby..." I say and she shake her head.

"No... you didn't know about this sentence, Yeji. Don't put the fault on you... please just hold me" she say and I wipe her tears away again, and I would do it over again.

I kiss her head a few times, giving her a squeeze and she get her arms out of the blanket, to hug me too and get more comfortable.

enemies to lovers (g!p H. YJ x female reader) [Shin Minseo]Where stories live. Discover now