Bigotry Kills-Spencer reid

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Word count: 5443

Pairing: Spencer Reid x Trans Masculine Non-Binary Reader

Summary: While on a case in Tennessee, Spencer and Y/N accidentally reveal that Y/n is transgender to an unsub who has made it his mission to ride his small town of people he views as "disgusting rat"

Warning: Criminal Minds typical violence, bigoted beliefs about trans people and the LGBTQ+, the use of Transvestite once (It hurt to wright that), Mentions of injury, mentions of reader wearing a chest binder, that's all i can think off let me know if there is anything else

A/N: this is my first time writing in like 5 years so it's probably shit but I've wanted xreader fics like this for a while but could never find any, so I said fuck it and wrote it myself. This is also a submission for ​ 's Pride fic Challenge so I hope people enjoy it. Again, this was also written as a self-indulgent fic, so the reader is written as a Trans Masculine Non-binary afab person who uses They/Them pronouns. Also Just putting it out there I don't hate Christians as a whole just the bigots who use religion to justify genocide. Anyways enjoy and let me know if you like it, I would like to get back into writing again so who knows there may be more to come.

The team had traveled to a small town in rural Tennessee that had seen a recent influx of homicide in the last two weeks. Four bodies had been found in different alleyways beaten and strangled, the only things connecting the murders was the cause of death and the fact that they were all disposed of by dumpsters as if the unsub saw them as trash. The local P.D. had called the B.A.U in order to find out why these victims and who is doing it.

The team had made the long flight all on edge because after the initial briefing their resident genius had figured out the one thing connecting all four victims. They were all members of the LGBTQIA+ community and that fact did not sit well as the newest member of the team was also a member of the community.

Y/N Y/L/N had joined the B.A.U roughly a year ago and they had become a very close member of the team. In half that year they had also grown very close with Dr. Spencer Reid and the both of them were exploring a relationship as they both shared an interest in Dr. Who and learning as much as they could about whatever they could. The nature of the case put both on edge, if it somehow became knowledge that Y/N was a trans masculine nonbinary individual and in a relationship with Spencer, it might make one or both of them a target of the unsub. Before they arrived at the local police station, Spencer and Y/N had agreed to try and keep their interactions professional when around anyone other than the team.

Upon arrival at the police station the team split up to go over everything they needed. Morgan and Prentiss went to the most recent crime scene, Hotch, JJ, and Y/N went to the police station to speak with the local P.D, and Spencer and Rossi went to talk with the families of the victims to find out anything they could about the victims. While in the small board room provided to them to work in, Y/N was making observations about the unsub and their habits.

"It seems the unsub view those in the LGBTQ+ community as less than himself and as something that needs purged from the world." Y/N said with an uncomfortable look on their face.

"It's highly likely that is the case, this is a small town in Tennessee, places like these aren't known for their overly welcoming tendencies towards people they view as different from the rest." JJ had responded back to them and confirmed what most of the team had been thinking.

As Y/N and JJ were finishing their conversation Rossi and Spencer returned from visiting the families. "The victims were all open about themselves so much so that they were ready to get out of this small town, the first two victims had jobs already lined up and apartments ready to move into within a week of when they were killed." Rossi had shared upon entering the room.

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