Rainbow Glasses - Crowley

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Pairing: Crowley x Reader

Word count: 957

A/n: I had fun writing this, I hope you enjoy it. The reader is modeled after me but that's because it made it easier to write their outfit, you can change it if you want though. Any ways enjoy and remember Requests are currently Open. based of the above request.

Today was going to be fantastic. Me, Crowley and Aziraphale were out enjoying a 'small' local Pride event. You see, I'm a nonbinary transmasculine person dating the not so evil Demon Crowley. I had convinced him and Aziraphale to come with me to this event for two reasons. One, I love hanging out with my demon and our angel friend. And Two, It's nice to be able to express myself in a group of people who understand me.

The best part was, I somehow convinced both of them to drop their monochrome looks for something with a bit more color. Aziraphale was easy to convince, I got him a nice button up with a pride flag on the pocket, a rainbow bow tie and a pair of rainbow shoes. Crowley on the other hand took a bit of bribery. After hours of begging and making promises the demon finally agreed to at least wear bisexual flag tie and a few different pride pins including a nonbinary rainbow.

You might be asking that if I got those two to wear pride stuff, I must be wearing something as well, and you would be right. I chose to go a little more bold. I decided to wear my nonbinary flag chest binder with a pair of skinny jeans that have different flags embroidered on it. I also opted for my custom pride converse. To complete the look I had turned my Trans flag into a cape with a piece of ribbon and threw on a pair of rainbow heart shaped sunglasses.

Now that you have an idea of what our lovely little group is wearing on to the event. Like I said it was supposed to be just a small event in the park but knowing the LGBTQ community it blew up fairly quickly.

We walked through the park looking at different stands where small businesses were selling different things they made for pride. I pulled my companions over to one table that had different pieces of fan art for popular queer ships, and picked one up for satosugu from JJK paying the kind person on the other side of the table. We then moved on.

"It's so lovely to see all these wonderful people come together to celebrate each other." Aziraphale said observing the large crowd around us.

I looked over to him and smiled. "I know right in spite of all the terrible things we have to deal with on a daily basis, it's nice to be able to be open and proud of who we are." I said enjoying the feeling of being accepted. We continued to walk as a group before Zira noticed a stand selling a variety of books written by queer authors, and he abruptly excused himself getting lost in the crowd of people leaving me with my demon boyfriend.

"For the love of Satan!" I heard Crowley exclaim as he let go of my hand. I turned around to see him looking towards the ground. "You gotta be kidding me!" He continued as I noticed his signature sunglasses on the ground, one lens popped out of place and the other shattered on the ground.

I walked up to him picking the broken glasses up, trying to think of a solution. "Do you have another pair? Or could you miracle new ones?" I asked, realizing there was no fixing the broken glasses.

He let out a grunt of disdain for the situation. "No, that was my last pair and I very well can't miracle another in front of these people. I'll just have to walk around with my eyes closed." He said, raising his head with his eyes shut hiding his vibrant yellow eyes.

I looked at him with a frown. "But if you keep your eyes closed you won't be able to see all the cool things here." I said with a sad tone. "You could just tell people you're wearing contacts." I said, trying to think of ways he could still enjoy the day.

"No one would believe that, you know contacts don't dilate and stuff. It's fine, as long as you lead me around I'm sure we will still have fun." Crowley said, brushing off my suggestion as we slowly made our way through the crowd.

I stayed silent for a moment trying to think of a solution and then I remembered I was wearing my own pair of sunglasses. "Hey Crowley, what if you wear my sunglasses? It would cover your eyes and we could look at everything together." I said taking my sunglasses off and placing them on his face. I watched as he opened his eyes behind the rainbow lenses.

Crowley took a moment to register that the world was now tinted in rainbow instead of the normal darkness he was used to. "This is the only time I will wear these. As soon as we leave I'm fixing my normal ones." He said, I just smiled at how cute he looked wearing the colorful shades, paired with his signature scowl. "But thank you love, I appreciate it." He said leaning in to leave a peak on my check.

I returned the gesture and grabbed his hand before pulling him back into the large crowd looking at the different stands. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking to people, and buying from small businesses. When we met up with Zira he was shocked by the sight of Crowley wearing the rainbow glasses but dropped it after receiving a death glare from the demon.

Overall it was a great day, talking to fellow members of the queer community, spending time with my favorite demons and angels, and finally seeing Crowley wearing something other than his dark glasses.

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