Clueless Rune Mage - Freed Justine

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Summary: Dating a member of the Thunder Legion was fun but when he can be clueless feelings get jumbled

Paring: Freed Justine x gn! Reader

Word count: 1211

A/N: Thanks for requesting. So I personally don't think Freed would be the type to tease or try to fluster his S/O, so i tried to flip it with S/O doing the teasing but then it turned into a jealous S/O to comfort fic with like one teasing comment. But I hope you like it anyway. Enjoy.

Dating a member of the Thunder Legion can be stressful, after all they tend to go on some of the most dangerous missions, but the most annoying part is when said member you are dating follows Laxus around like a lost puppy half the time. Yes, I'm dating Freed and as much as I love the rune mage, it can be annoying watching him give so much attention to someone else. Don't get me wrong I think it's kind of funny, but I can't help but to feel a little jealous. I try not to show it though, I like to hide it by teasing him about it. After a couple comments from me he usually realizes what's happening and stops, but recently he hasn't been picking up on it as quickly.

That is exactly what is happening right now, I'm sitting with the Thunder Legion in the guild hall. I would like to just be able to spend time with my boyfriend while he's not on a job but no he has to be following Laxus around. I could feel Evergreen's eyes on me as I watched Freed talk to Laxus about who knows what.

"Can I help you Evergreen?" I asked, taking my gaze off the green haired mage.

She just rolled her eyes at me before responding. "You know if it bugs you so much that he's close to Laxus you should just get over yourself and tell him, If you don't out right tell him, he won't change"

I nodded along with what she was saying. She was right in a way, as smart as Freed is he can be clueless sometimes, especially with people and feelings. "You're right, but I don't want him to change, I think it's sweet that he cares so much about Laxus. I just wish he would spend more time with just me, it's like I only see him when you guys get back from jobs and even then we are always around you guys. It's never just the two of us."

"Just tell him that, stop making dumb jokes to him about it when you get jealous, eventually he's not gonna realize that it bothers you. Ever's right tell him to his face that you're upset." Bickslow said, joining the conversation, with an echo coming from his babies of "tell him, yeah tell him"

I swatted away one of the floating dolls rolling my eyes at the two. "I know that I just don't want to make him feel bad. I don't want him to feel like I'm upset about it." I tried to explain why I hadn't said anything yet.

"Make who feel bad about what? Did something happen, do I need to use Dark Écriture on someone?" Freed asked as he and Laxus made their way back to our group after getting drinks from the bar for all of us. I was glad he had missed the rest of our conversation, I really don't want him to feel bad about it.

I smiled up at him as he sat next to me, greeting me with a quick peek on the lips. "Oh it's nothing Natsu was just -" "Y/n wants to talk to you privately about something." Evergreen stopped me from finishing my lie, forcing Freed to look at her in concern before looking back at me.

" Well let's go for a walk then, and you can tell me whatever it is you need too." Freed said, standing back up and pulling me up with him. I nodded in agreement as I followed him out of the guild hall hearing chuckles from our friends as I presumed, the two aware the situation filled Laxus in as we left.

Once we were far enough from the guild hall that Freed felt confident that none of our guild members would hear our conversation. He stopped us and turned to me. "What's wrong Y/n? Is it really about something Natsu did or is there something else going on?"

I turned my head away thinking of how to bring everything up without making him feel bad. "Natsu didn't do anything. I was just nervous to tell you the truth. Now I don't want you to feel bad about it so you have to promise that you won't blame yourself." I said, finally turning back to face him.

"You're not breaking up with me are you?" he asked with a frown forming on his face.

"Oh god no, I could never do that, I love you too much to do that. It's just I feel like you don't want to spend time with me anymore." I said, trying to calm his heart. "I know you are busy taking jobs and stuff with the Thunder Legion and all, but whenever you get back you only seem to want to spend time with them and there's no time for just you and me. I love that you care for our friends but it would be nice if every once in a while we spent time with just the two of us, when we are both home from jobs." Finally getting this off my chest felt great, but I was still scared to see his reaction.

It was silent for a minute as I watched him process what I had said, and it was almost like he was replaying the last few times we all happened to be back from the near constant stream of jobs.

"I love you too, and you're right we haven't been spending a lot of time just the two of us. I'm sorry for that, to make up for you, we are both going to take a week off from taking jobs and just relax together. I truly am sorry for making you feel like I didn't want to hang out with just you. I honestly thought you wanted to hang out with everyone and didn't even think to ask if you felt different. I promise to try harder at asking about your feelings and to make time for just you." Freed said resting his hand on my cheek, smiling gently at me.

I leaned into his warm touch smiling at him as I took in his apology. "Thank you, I truly appreciate it, but it's partly on me as well. I should have said something more. But, I can't wait to take a week off, I'm tired of listening to you fawn over Lauxs all the time." I said with chuckle breaking the soft moment we were having to poke fun at the green haired mage.

He pulled his hand away rolling his eyes, "I do not fawn over Laxus, I just care about my friends. But whatever, let's just go back to your apartment and rest. We both need it." He said defending himself before grabbing my hand and walking in the direction of my apartment. "We can tell makarov that we are taking a break in the morning."

And with that we were off to enjoy some time alone, just the two of us. Sure when we get back we'll probably deal with some teasing and stupid jokes from the rest of the guild but I'll deal with it if I get to relax with my favorite mage.

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