Constant Interruptions - Megumi Fushiguro

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Word count: 827

Paring: Megumi Fushiguro x reader

A/n: Hey Ness, thank you for requesting. Honestly I think this is my first time writing for Megumi so I hope you enjoy it. Also tried a different pov for this one so let me know how you like it. Have a good day or night, and remember to Hydrate or diedrate. (based on the above request

He had been trying to tell you for weeks. And before that Itadori had spent over a month trying to get him to admit his feelings to himself. At this point Megumi was a wreck to put it simply. He tried to act like it wasn't affecting him, but it was starting to feel like the whole world was against him.

Megumi had approached you during dinner two weeks ago, having come up with the perfect plan. Unfortunately a certain cursed corpse messed everything up. Here's how it went.

"Hey Y/n, can we talk for a minute?" He asked approaching the table you were sitting at. Smiling up at him you nodded, getting up to follow him out of the room. Once out of the crowded dining hall he began to speak again. "So, I've been meaning to tell-" Before could finish his sentence, the door burst open again.

"You guys have to come see this, Itadori and Inumaki are competing to see who can fit the most rice balls in their mouth at once." Panda said in excitement, dragging the both of you back inside.

While the others were busy watching the two be idiots, you leaned over to Megumi. "Hey, what is it you wanted to talk about?" You asked in a hushed voice trying not to draw attention, silently hoping he was going to confess.

He paused for a moment, then turned away. "It was nothing." He said getting up and leaving you feeling disappointed.

The next time he tried to confess was on one of the days off you get as Jujutsu sorcerers. Megumi was sure no one would interrupt him this time. And he had made Itadori promise to keep everyone busy and away from your dorm so he could tell you. Itadori being the good wing man he is, agreed and did his best. Unfortunately no one could predict what happened that afternoon.

You two had been relaxing in your dorm like you do on every day off, just watching tv and chatting. He figured this was as good a time as any. So he went for it. "Y/n can I tell you something important?"

Sitting up startled but curious, you responded. "Of course Megs, you can tell me anything."

Not thinking he would get this far he started. "Well, we've been friends for a while now and I've been thinking about this a lot." He paused for only a second to collect his thoughts when the door burst open revealing the bane of Megumi's existence.

"Sorry to interrupt but I thought you would all like to know that Okkotsu is back from his overseas mission." The obnoxious white haired man said.

Upon hearing of the return of one of your closest friends, you quickly jumped off your bed running out of the room. Completely forgetting the conversation you were having with Megumi. Leaving the boy to slump back into the bed.

Megumi had enough, he was going to try and tell you one last time and if something got in the way, he would accept that fate had other plans and give up. So he cornered you one morning before training started. He was determined for this to go well. He wasn't going to beat around the bush either, he was going to be straight forward and rip off the bandaid.

"Y/n I've liked you for a long time, and not just in the oh you're cool kinda way. I want to spend all my free time with you and protect you no matter what." He didn't even pause to get a reaction, he just kept going. "I've been trying to tell you for weeks, but something always came up. But this is the last time I'm trying this, so I need you to know that I love you." Megumi didn't even register all the words that came out of his mouth.

You stood frozen for a moment. This was a dream come true Megumi Fushiguro just told you he loved you and your mind was buzzing. After getting over the initial shock, you reached in your pocket confusing the dark haired boy in front of you. With the biggest smile he had ever seen you handed him a green Uno reverse card.

"What the hell is this supposed to mean?" It was his turn to be shocked.

       Instead of giving him a verbal response right away, you leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It means, I love you too. Now as much as I would love to skip training to go on a date, we wouldn't hear the end of it from Gojo, so we should get going." You said before walking towards the training field. Megumi was left frozen for a minute, not believing that just happened. Getting over his shock he realized you were right, so he carefully placed the uno card in his pocket and headed outside to join you.

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