Birthday at the Shrine - Mikey/ Manjiro Sano

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Word count: 615

Pairing: Mikey x Reader Platonic

Based on the above request

A/n: Hi, thank you for the request. I'm not super happy with how it turned out, but I did love the idea. I hope you at least enjoy it. Anyways, enjoy, have a great day and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

It was time for the weekly Toman meeting. All of the divisions were gathered waiting for Mikey and Draken to show up, and of course they were running late for whatever reason. Anyways, while waiting I just sat back and watched as the guys got in their usual playful arguments about random shit. Watching as Baji and Kazutora teamed up to pick on a few of the younger members, I was reminded of where it all started.

I had grown up not only a few houses away from Mikey and so I ended up spending a lot of time around the blonde. We have always been extremely close so it was no surprise to me when he came to me asking me to join his gang when he and his other friends started it. Since that day, I've been part of Toman's first division acting as a kind of babysitter for the more impulsive group. Evidently, I was the only one able to stop Baji from setting a car on fire when he was hungry, so Mikey and Draken thought it would be best for me to keep him in check.

Other than making sure Baji doesn't ruin Toman's reputation, I'm a pretty good fighter when it comes down to it. I may not be the one everyone is watching when a brawl breaks out but I can definitely hold my own. Which is another reason I was put in the first division. I had everyone's back even if some of them didn't realize it.

"Hey Mikey's finally here." I heard someone shout from the crowd. As if it were a queue to behave, everyone stopped fighting and stood up straight as we waited for Mikey and Draken to start the meeting.

I had taken my usual spot next to Baji, not expecting much of anything to happen. "Hey Y/n, catch." I turned at the sound of Mikey shouting at me. Once I made eye contact he threw what looked like a poorly wrapped box at me. Quickly catching it, I looked at it confused for a second but before I could ask about it, Mikey cut me off. "Happy Birthday." He flashed a bright close eyed smile, patting the top of my head.

My eyes went wide. I totally forgot it was my birthday, it was never really a big deal to me and Mikey was the first one to mention it today. "Thanks Mikey, I honestly totally forgot about it." I said looking back at the present. "But you didn't have to get me anything."

"Nonsense, of course I had to get you something. You're my friend and it would be rude of me to not get you anything." He said, taking his hand off the top of my head.

Before I could respond, Baji spoke up from behind me. "Wait, it's your birthday and you forgot about it?" Baji asked me.

I just shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. And how sad it looks like my only friend is Mikey, after all he's the only one who remembered." I answered with mock sadness.

Mikey laughed at our interaction as Baji decided the best response to my sarcasm was to shove me. "Ok, Ok, enough fighting we have a meeting to take care of." Draken said, cutting off the shoving match that started between the two of us. With that he and Mikey went up to the front of the group commencing the meeting.

It warmed my heart for Mikey to get me a gift even if I never made a big deal about my birthday. He was like a brother to me and he remembered it even when I didn't, which means a lot.

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