He Would Want You To Be Happy - Nacht Faust

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(Art by me, it is also being posted on my tumblr)

Summary: Nacht was never a fan of his birthday for obvious reasons. Asta wants to celebrate it and after Yami foils Y/n's plan to keep it a secret, Y/n needs to comfort and talk some sense into the Shadow mage.

Word count: 4314

Paring: Nacht Faust x Gn! Reader

Warnings: Talk about Morgen's death and Nacht's self deprecation, talk of smoking and cigarettes, possibly ooc Nacht, possibly grammar or spelling mistakes

A/n: just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Nacht, the moody mage who would love MCR if he ever listened to it. Any way If you couldn't tell this is just something i wrote for Nacht from Black Clovers Birthday. It's a little angsty and a little fluffy, but I hope y'all enjoy. Anyways, have a great day and Remember to hydrate or diedrate. (we wouldn't want y'all ending up like Morgen now would we.)

I've known for a long time that Nacht hates his birthday, and like every year before now I was planning to ignore it like I agreed when I first heard his reason for not liking it. Sadly it seemed that not all of the Bulls were aware of Nacht's past and well Asta being Asta, started pestering me about when the Vice Captain's birthday was. I had tried to just focus on going on missions and ignoring the young man, but damn is he persistent. His pestering lasted from the moment I left mine and Nacht's room in the morning to when I went back to bed, of course he wouldn't pester me when the Shadow mage was around but it was near non-stop.

All of this led to now. It's two days before Nacht's birthday, and all I wanted was for Asta to get hung up on something else. I was sitting in the dining hall just enjoying my breakfast with the rest of the squad, minus Nacht as he was off doing who knows what, when Asta rushed into the room. Trying to hide my groan, I tried to focus on my food.

"Oh, Y/n you're still here. Now, please tell me?" He said vaguely, knowing I already knew what he was asking of me. His vague question caught the interest of everyone else in the room. The whole squad quickly turned to look at me, curious to what the magicless boy wanted.

I sighed before responding as quickly and with as little information as possible. "Asta, I've told you a thousand times already, it's not happening." Ignoring the looks of my squadmates I continued eating.

I felt as Asta moved closer to where I sat, clearly trying to catch my gaze and attempting to persuade me with puppy dog eyes. "Come on, Y/n. You're the only person here who would know, please?" Like clockwork, Asta was back to begging. "Ooooo what if I promise to do all your chores for a month?" And now he's one to poorly thought out bribery.

Apparently Asta's poor offer finally piqued Yami's interest. "Hey kid, you already do all the chores around here. And what are you asking them? From the sounds of it they've told you no quite a few times." Yami spoke, pulling Asta's attention away from me.

Like an alarm went off in his empty head, Asta quickly spoke. "I just realized you probably know the answer to my question too." He quickly moved to be standing next to where Yami sat. The Captain raised his eyebrow as if prompting the boy to go on. "Well I was wondering when is Vice Captain Nacht's birthday? I've been asking Y/n because their his partner and I figured they'd know it but they refuse to tell me anything about it. And just now I remembered that you have known the Vice Captain for a long time." Asta rambled on.

Yami let out a laugh before responding. "Nacht's birthday is April 30th, but why do you want to know?" The Captain answered without even acknowledging my signals to shut up.

"That's in two days!! Anyway I wanted to know so we could do something to celebrate his first birthday back in the Clover Kingdom and with the Squad." Asta explained.

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