Kindred souls-Totk Link

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Summary: Princess Zelda, Her appointed Knight Link, and her advisor/ secondary guard Y/n travel below Hyrule castle to find out what is causing the gloom that is making people fall ill, they are met with mystery and challenges when they reach the source.

Warnings: Injury, maybe some angst done the line, Spoilers for LoZ:ToTK, that's it for now

Paring: ToTK!Link x gn!Reader

Word count: 2766

a/n: this does contain spoilers for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Let me know if you enjoy this and if you want me to continue it further. Name might change later

We were traveling into the depths underneath Hyrule castle, and by we I mean Princess Zelda, the one who wields the sword that seals the darkness, Link, and Me. I'm one of Zelda's advisors. I wasn't around 100 years ago when the great calamity first hit but when Link awoke from his slumber I ran into him near hateno village and started helping him in his goal to save Zelda and the kingdom. But anyways we are currently making our way below the castle because there have been reports of people getting sick because of a red and black smoke-like substance rising from below.

"We've been descending for a while now... These tunnels are deeper than I thought. What could be down here?" Zelda questioned noticing we had been on this journey a lot longer than we had expected.

"No idea, but whatever is causing all this gloom can't be a good thing." I responded as I passed a shrugging Link who also seemed just as confused by the journey as the two of us. We continued on through the depths. I was also actively tuning out Zelda's ramblings about a race of peoples who once inhabited Hyrule known as the Zonai. I only stopped when we entered a rather large room, where the gloom was extremely thick and there was an ominous green glowing light.

"What is this palace?" Zelda asked knowing none of us would have the answer before stating, "Let's continue Link, and Y/n, but we must be extremely careful."

Link and I nodded in agreement and we proceeded into open space towards the light.

As we approached the source of the light we saw what looked like an ancient mummy with long hair and a weird stone on its forehead, it also seemed the light was coming from a glowing arm planted against the mummy's chest with its own stone embedded in the back of its hand.
"What is that?" I said as we got closer to the strange sight. The closer we got, I could see the hand start to spasm and then fall away from the mummy. As it fell from the corpse the stone fell from its hand and rolled to Zelda's feet.

Zelda had bent down to grab the stone and once it was in her hand it began to glow a yellow color. As she rose to a standing position, what sounded like a heartbeat echoed through the room. We all turned to the mummy that seemed to twitch as if coming to life.

It feel back in a jerking motion only to turn it's head towards our small group and reveal two red-orange glowing eyes. After it laid eyes on our group it released what seemed to be a massive attack of gloom in all directions, one stream heading straight for Zelda and the other coming at me.

I watched as Link jumped in front of Zelda to protect her, while I pulled my Hylian shield in front of me in hopes to lessen the blow that I knew I wouldn't be able to dodge. As I was pushed back I watched in horror as the gloom surrounded Link's arm and the Master sword, leaving Link's arm crippled and the Master sword with a strange red spot that looked almost like an infection. After the first strike the mummy sent out another stream of this hardened gloom directly at Link, the swordsman swung his sword at the attack in hopes of dispeling it only to watch in shock as the legendary blade shattered like a piece of glass. A small fragment flying and slicing the mummy's check.

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