Hair dye and Soulmates - Chifuyu Matsuno

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Word count: 1431

Paring: Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader

Summary: Everyone has a soulmate connection, they come in all different styles, yours is you have a section of hair that matches your soulmate's current color and changes if they dye it.

Warnings: shit used once, other than that none that I can think of.

A/n: Hello peoples, This fic is dedicated to Chifuyu Matsuno for his birthday. Even if the theme isn't about his birthday I thought it was cute so HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chifuyu. Also as I'm posting this for his birthday it will be part of my winter fic event even though it isn't wintery. Anyway I hope you enjoy and Remember to hydrate or diedrate.

Having a soulmate was a relief for many, it gave people hope that one day they would meet the person that will love them unconditionally. Unfortunately the way to find your soulmate is a little less than perfect. It's different for everyone, some have a timer counting down to the day they will meet, others can hear each other's thoughts, but for me, I'm stuck with a chunk of hair that matches my soulmate's hair and vice versa. This would be fine if they didn't have blonde hair. Hair color marks are fairly common but that just makes it difficult to find your soulmate unless one partner dyes their hair a crazy color to help notice each other in a crowd.

Every morning I would wake up hoping my soulmate had gotten tired of the wait and finally dyed their hair to make it easier, but every morning I'm faced with the same blonde streak at the front of my hair. Around my last year of high school I got tired of waiting, so one Saturday I bought the stuff and dyed my hair bright blue. Sadly when I got to school on monday morning none of the blonde students at my school who had the color connection had a stripe of blue in their hair. Even though I didn't find them that day, I decided that I would keep dying my hair crazy colors until I finally found them.

A few years after high school, I got an opportunity to move to Tokyo for work. With no luck on the soulmate front in my hometown, especially after their hair changed from blonde to black, I figured why not, and accepted the offer. Within a month I was moving me and my dog into a small apartment in the heart of Japan.

While I was unpacking I remembered I needed to find a pet store nearby to get some food for my sweet husky. After getting the essentials taken care of in the apartment, I sat down to look up pet stores hoping there would still be one open close by as it was fast approaching evening. To my surprise there was one just down the street called XJ Land, but they would be closing in about thirty minutes. Deciding this was the best option so I wouldn't be wandering the city as the sun set, I quickly grabbed a coat and my keys before bidding my dog goodbye, and left to hopefully get dog food before this place closes.

As I entered the shop I was greeted by the worker at the counter. "Welcome in, we will be closing shortly just so you are aware." He said as he went back to looking at his phone. I smiled looking at him, noticing a large tattoo on his neck, thanking him I went to the wall of pet food.

Reaching the wall I started looking for a food that would work for my dog. Completely lost in thought, I failed to notice another person in the store. "Hey Kazutora, you can head out, I'll finish everything up here." A new voice called out from the end of the aisle I was on, making me jump. It seemed the person noticed me as they then spoke to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize we had a customer. Is there anything I can help you find?" The person asked as I overcame my shock.

I took a second before answering, having turned back to the wall of food. "I'm looking for good food for my dog. I just moved here and can't seem to find the kind I normally get. Do you maybe have any recommendations?" I asked, turning to look at the person next to me. Before the person could respond we both froze. The young man had jet black hair except for a small chunk in the middle of his bangs that was currently bright purple. It was the exact opposite of my head full of purple hair with a black chunk in my bangs. "Holy shit" I was all I could say realizing what was going on.

"I'm Chifuyu Matsuno, and I'm guessing you're my soulmate." The Green eyed man said, offering his hand for me to shake. I accepted it and quietly introduced myself. "I like the hair all though I do have to say the time it was pink, was not fun." He said with a smile.

"Sorry about that." I said, still in shock from having met my soulmate in a pet store. "I was just trying to make it easier to find you. I thought my soulmate was just covering the piece with their hair and figured that pink would shine through your blonde hair and make it easier." I explained my choice, receiving a chuckle from him.

"It's all good, the gang just liked to poke fun. Anyways about the food for your dog, I personally have a cat but many customers have said this is the best one for dogs." The man named Chifuyu explained. I nodded before reaching to grab the bag from the shelf, only to be stopped by him grabbing iot for me. "I'll carry it for you, don't worry." I was stunned, I came into this shop fifteen minutes before it closed and now my soulmate is carrying dog food to the counter for me.

As we got to the counter, he placed the food down and walked around it to ring me up. "So Y/l/n, what made you move here?" He asked as he pressed a few buttons on the till's screen.

"I was offered a job at a local beauty school, teaching students how to dye hair." I explained briefly. Before I continued talking he told me the total, though I was shocked to hear it was significantly cheaper than what the price listed on the shelf. "Ok, here's the money but I thought it was more than that. Won't you get in trouble for giving me a discount?" I asked hoping I wouldn't be costing my soulmate his job, after just one meeting.

He just smirked at me, about to speak before the man with the neck tattoo left the back room and interrupted the conversation. "He can't get in trouble for giving discounts if it's his store. Anyway, have a good night Chifuyu and don't stay up too late or Keisuke will kick your ass if you're late." The man I think Chifuyu called Kazutora earlier said walking out. I just looked back at Chifuyu in shock.

"You own this store." I said in shock. "I can't let you lose money just to give me a discount Matsuno." I continued trying to get him to let me pay full price.

"One call me Chifuyu. Two, If I want my soulmate to pay less than half price at my own store, my soulmate is not paying anything more than that." He said finishing the transaction before I could give him any more cash to cover the full price of the bag. "Anyway, do you live too far from here? If you're fine with waiting for me to close up I can walk you home." Chifuyu offered, flipping the open sign to closed.

I paused thinking for a second. "I live just down the road, I can get home on my own. Thank you though. Also if I'm supposed to call you Chifuyu, you can call me Y/n." I said moving to grab the bag of food from the counter.

I watched as he hesitated before nodding. "Okay, If you're sure. At least let me give you my phone number and you can call me if you need anything ok?" He asked and I could hear the slight concern in his voice.

Nodding I handed him my phone to enter his number, smiling when he handed it back. He saved his contact as 'Soulmate 😻'. I sent him a quick text so he could save my number, before bidding him goodnight. With that I headed home to feed my dog and sleep.

I knew moving to Tokyo would give me a better chance of finding my soulmate but I didn't think it would be the first night. Anyway when I got home I sent Chifuyu a message letting him know I got home safe, and received a 'great, have good night' text in response. After feeding my dog, I decided it was time to sleep and I drifted off with the thoughts of how great my life will be now that I've finally found my person.

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