Halloween With Itadori Yuji

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A/n: HAPPY HALLOWEEN, sorry It's a bit late and may seem rushed but I finished it and think it turned out cute. A little context I tried to make it as though the reader probably started at Jujutsu tech part way through high school, also they are adults in this. This is a request from my tumblr so please enjoy. Remember to Hydrate or Diedrate, and requests are still open.

Word count: 973

Paring: Yuji Itadori x Gn!reader

Summary: Movie night turned Party turned trick or treating with Yuji.

Warnings: none really, maybe feeling left out at a party, mentions of Megumi threatening Yuji.

It's the best day of the year, Halloween. I had originally planned to just stay home and watch movies with my boyfriend, Yuji Itadori, but a friend from before I became a sorcerer invited me to a Halloween party they were throwing. I decided that since I haven't been out in a while I might as well, so the next step was convincing Yuji that a party would be more fun than watching horror movies all night.

"Hey Yuji, I have a question for you." I said entering the living room, watching him set up the couch for a night of movies.

He paused before turning to look at me. "What's up, babe?" Yuji asked, I could tell he was curious.

Joining him by the couch I put on my best puppy dog eyes, knowing it would be the only way to convince him. "A friend from high school invited me to a Halloween party and I was thinking it would be a good way to get out and forget about curses and stuff for a bit. What do you say? We can even dress up for it." I suggested hoping he would agree.

Rolling his eyes he sighed and plopped on the couch. "I thought we were gonna have a movie night just the two of us. Plus we don't even have costumes, what would we wear?" He made a good point. We had been planning to stay in for weeks so we hadn't got any costumes. I thought for a moment before I had an idea. I immediately sprinted to our shared bedroom.

After rummaging through the closet where we kept spare sheets I finally found two white top sheets. Grabbing the sheets I went to the kitchen grabbing some scissors quickly cutting two holes in the sheets. I threw one over myself grabbing my sunglasses from the counter, walking back to the living room. "Bam we can be cheesy ghosts together." I said, throwing the other sheet over Yuji's face.

"Ok, fine we can go, but if it gets boring we are coming home and watching Friday the 13th." He said standing up, fixing the sheet so it sat properly and grabbing his own sunglasses. With a small cheer from me we headed out to the party.

We had arrived at the party about an hour ago, and I have to say it was boring. Don't get me wrong, the music was nice and there were a lot of things happening, but we knew no one there. Sure my old friend was there but it had been so long since we last spoke it felt forced and it was impossible to join in conversation with other people. It was like people formed their little clicks and didn't let new people join.

Letting out a sigh I stood up from my seat grabbing Yuji's hand. "Let's just go home, there's nothing to do here." I said, pushing my way through the crowd.

As we walked home I could feel Yuji watching me as I fiddled with the sheet in my hands, having taken it off to get some fresh air for a minute. When I turned to ask him what was wrong, he grabbed the sheet from my hand and threw it back over my head. Before I could ask why he started pulling me somewhere.

"We can't let these awesome costumes go to waste. So we are gonna go trick or treating." He said pulling me towards what I'm assuming was a neighborhood.

I stumbled as I processed his statement. "But we're adults, it'd be weird for us to trick or treat." I said, trying to convince him to go home. "You wanted to watch horror movies, we can just do that."

He stopped and turned to me. "True, I did want to watch horror movies, but you seemed so excited to go out. Even if the original plan was to watch movies, it changed once. Why can't it change again? Also who said it's weird to trick or treat as adults, there's no age limit to fun and if someone has a problem with it they can fight me." Even with the sheet and sunglasses I could tell he had a large smile on his face as he said this. "Plus after we decided to go to the party I was planning on bugging Fushiguro on the way home anyways."

That's when I noticed the area we were in. I could spot Fushiguro's apartment building not far from us. I rolled my eyes but agreed anyway.

We ended up dragging a grumpy sleep deprived Fushiguro out of his apartment and managed to convince him to go trick or treating with us. It was honestly a blast. Yuji and I received many compliments from older couples about how sweet it was that we were still enjoying our younger years and not letting go of the small things. By the time we made it back to Fushiguro's place we were exhausted.

Ignoring the protests of our friend we sat on his couch and relaxed wishing him a good night. Sensing we weren't going to leave anytime soon he grumbled before going to his room. I threw the pillow case I had snagged from his closet that was full of candy on the coffee table. "Thank you for this Yuji, even if it involved possibly signing our death certificates, I really appreciate this. I love you." I said curling into his side.

    "I love you too, Y/n. And don't worry, we both know that as much as Fushiguro complains he had fun too." He said with a laugh that turned into a yawn as he placed a kiss on my forehead. With that we both fell asleep after a night that definitely did not go as planned but was still fun.

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