The Lion and the Tiger part 2 - Loke/Leo

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Word count: 1733

Paring: Loke/Leo x Celestial spirit!reader

Summary: After the Oracion Seis fight Angel's spirits give their keys to Lucy. Being curious as to what happened between Loke and the tiger spirit, Lucy asks what happened between them. Loke shows up to share his side

A/n: Hello, thank you to those who asked about part 2. I planned to do part 2 either way but it's great to see people enjoying my writing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

In terms of time passing it had only been a few hours in the Celestial world, but a week in the human world. I had been waiting for Angel to summon me and punish me for my failure to fight when I was last summoned. But to my surprise I was approached by Aries, Scorpio and Gemini, the three Golden Zodiac's that were contracted to Angel.

"We are all ending our contracts with Angel and instead choosing to give our keys to Lucy." Aries explained timidly.

The other two nodded. "Yeah and we thought you might want to join us." Scorpio added.

I looked at them amazed. "Really, you want me to come with you guys to a new wizard?" I was surprised. They are members of the Golden Zodiac so it wouldn't be shocking if they had heard everything from Loke.

"Of course, you don't deserve to be treated poorly by any wizard, and Lucy treats her spirits like friends." It was Gemini who spoke next.

Thinking for a moment, I knew that they were right about how we were treated by Angel, but could I really be contracted to the same wizard as Loke. Would he be okay with that? Before I could think too much on how Loke would feel about it, I made up my mind. It was important for me to put my feelings first and stop worrying about upsetting Loke. If I want to end my contract and give my key to another wizard, I can. "Yeah, I'll go with you guys."

So the four of us terminated our contracts with Angel, and brought our keys to Lucy. The blonde was confused at first, wondering why we would want her to hold our keys, but of course she eventually accepted them, promising to treat us with care. After working out the contracts, the other spirits left back to the Celestial world. I would have gone as well but Lucy asked to speak with me.

"What was that all about with Loke during the fight with Angel? I tried to ask him about it but he keeps refusing to talk with me about it." The blonde asked, clearly concerned for her friend. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but I want to help you work it out, if I can. Seeing my friends upset, upsets me as well." She said with a gentle smile.

I thought for a moment before sighing. "I used to be part of Fairy Tail, and me and Loke were a team." I started earning a surprised look from the wizard. "I had left the Celestial world to find my key and then give it to a wizard that I trusted. While here I heard about Loke being exiled and so I went to offer my help. He eventually agreed. I would give him some of my magic power so he could survive and he would help me search for my key. Though after a while I gave up looking and decided I was happy being a wizard in Fairy Tail and spending my life helping to keep Loke alive." I explained.

Lucy seemed to think for a minute before speaking. "Wait, if you were happy here, why did you make a contract with Angel? And why did Loke seem so upset if you were just partners?" She was curious about all the details.

Letting out a sad chuckle I explained further. "Well we were more than just partners. We dated almost the entire time I was in Fairy Tail. Hell we even had an apartment together. But one day about six months ago we had taken a job that was tougher than we expected. I had used a significant amount of energy and needed to return to the Celestial world to regain my strength." She nodded along as I explained what happened. "After I told him I'd be back shortly only planning to be gone for a few days, I left to recharge. But when I was about to come back to the guild, Angel summoned me, having stumbled across my key. I tried to come back and at least tell Loke what had happened but Angel threatened me, saying that if I ever returned to Fairy Tail while contracted to her she would make sure I got banished from the Celestial world." I finished looking at the table we had sat at.

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