Misunderstandings - Takashi Mitsuya

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Paring: Takashi Mitsuya x Gn! Reader

Word Count: 2349

Summary: Wanting to surprise Takashi for his birthday turned into a misunderstanding, luckily communication is the key to most situations.

Warnings: implications of cheating but it's all just stress induced thoughts, cursing, idk let me know if i missed anything.

A/n: First Happy Birthday to the wonderful Takashi Mitasuya, who is by far one of the best characters in Tokyo Revengers. Second, I hope you all are enjoying My pride event so far, even if this one isn't directly Pride related. Anyway without further ado enjoy, and remember to hydrate or diedrate.

There are very few days of the year that I will change my routine for, and today is one of those special days. For most people it's just another Wednesday, but for me, it's the birthday of the most amazing guy to walk the earth, Takashi Mitsuya. Every year he says all he wants is to relax and maybe see his friends, and most years I follow that request but this year I had something else planned. For the past few weeks I have been working alongside most of the old Toman members to plan a surprise party for him. I know we're adults and surprise parties are more for little kids but I can't help it, I want him to have an amazing birthday and take a real break. With all the stress of recent deadlines to get summer inspired designs out, he could use a day to relax with his close friends.

So waking up to my alarm I couldn't help but feel excited to put the finishing touches on the surprise party before showing Takashi what we have planned for him. After taking a moment to admire his peaceful sleeping face, I managed to get out of bed without disturbing him. I went about my normal morning routine, getting dressed and washing my face before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.

As I was halfway down with making pancakes, I was greeted by the sound of Takashi entering the kitchen. "Good morning, would you like some pancakes?" I asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee. It was taking everything in me not to immediately wish him a happy birthday, but part of the plan was to 'forget' what day it was.

"Good morning, love. And pancakes sound amazing." He answered, walking behind me placing a kiss on my head before moving to sit at the little dining table we had in the kitchen.

While I finished making the pancakes, it was almost silent as I was focused and Takashi was still waking up fully. After plating both of our pancakes, I sat across from my amazing husband. "Since it's my first free day in a few weeks I was thinking maybe we could go do something?" Takashi asked, as we ate our breakfast together.

I took advantage of the fact I was mid bite to think of how to respond. Of course I would love to spend the whole day with him, but I still needed to meet up with Draken to get a few last minute things for the party later. "Oh, um I made plans with a few friends for today." I answered quickly, it wasn't a lie but seeing his face drop made my heart want to explode. "I'm sorry Taka, I forgot you would have the day off. Maybe we can do something after I get home?" I suggested hoping to not completely crush his spirit.

He still looked a little upset before quickly smiling and nodding. "It's okay, you go have fun with your friends, we can do something later." It was clear from the sound of his voice that his smile was fake but I had to act like I believed he was okay.

I was about to change the topic when I looked at my phone to see it was about time for me to go meet with Draken. "Shot I said I'd meet them at the mall in twenty minutes. I gotta go. I love you Takashi, have a good day without me and again I'm sorry we couldn't spend the day together." I said putting my dishes in the sink, placing a kiss to his cheek and running out the door. I heard the quiet 'love you too' as the door shut behind me. I had to fight the urge to call Draken and change plans just to go spend the day cuddling with Takashi, but I stayed on track knowing it would be worth it in the end.

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