Easily Distracted - Crowley (Good Omens)

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Based off the above request from Tumblr.

Paring: Crowley x reader

Word count: 853

A/n: Sorry this took so long I had a very small bout of writer's block but finally worked past it. I hope you enjoy this. Also with Doctor Who being confirmed to exist in the Good Omens world, I believe that people would tell Crowley he looks like Ten and he would deny it saying he is ten times more handsome than him. Any way enjoy requests are still open, and MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DON"T INTERACT.

Today is a day for relaxing, which means forcing my demon of a boyfriend out shopping with me. Okay actually it's not so much forcing, more like bribing him with a new house plant. You see, Crowley stopped wanting to join me at the mall because I get distracted easily and he always ends up losing me in the crowd, so to make it up to him I promise him a new house plant if he joins me.

After successfully bribing him, we are now walking through the mall. We have spent the last two hours looking at different stores trying to take our time and enjoying our time together. At this moment Crowley was explaining to me that Aziraphale had done something he deemed as stupid, and was trying to get me to agree with him.

"You don't understand Love, he thinks everyone takes the time out of their days to iron their pants. Like why would you take the time to do that, they're just going to get wrinkly from wearing them." He said, adamant that it was weird to press the wrinkles out of one's clothing. But sadly for him I had in fact become distracted by a shirt in the window of Hot Topic.

I had walked away completely, forgetting I was out with my boyfriend. It seemed that Hot Topic was having a throwback sale and one of the big items was a Doctor Who shirt featuring the Tenth Doctor. I couldn't help but go in to get the shirt, Doctor Who is one of my favorite shows and I couldn't help but realize that my favorite demon and the Tenth Doctor locked fairly similar.

P.O.V change to Crowley

"Not to mention he also spends an unfathomable amount of time dusting his books, why would you do that, it's just a bunch of dead trees." Crowley turned his head to get his partner's response, only to realize they weren't by him. "Oh you have got to be kidding me." He said gritting his teeth in annoyance.

He had no clue how long they had been missing and so resigned himself to back track looking for the easily distracted person. "Where the fuck did they run off too?" The demon mumbled to himself, irritated that he once again lost track of his partner.

After looking around for a good ten minutes or so he remembered that Y/n loves to shop at Hot Topic and they likely got distracted by something at the edgy nerd store, and so he made his way to the store. As he walked in he spotted the source of his irritation and walked up behind them as they looked at a wall of funko pops. "Where have you been?" He asked, swinging his arm around their shoulder.

P.o.V back to Y/n

I jumped feeling someone rest their arm on my shoulder but relaxed as I recognised the voice of my favorite demon. "Oh sorry Crowley, I just saw this shirt and had to get it, then they said there was a deal on funkos and now I can't pick which ones to get." I apologized for disappearing and showed him the shirt I picked out.

He just rolled his eyes at me and looked at the shirt. "I have told you before I don't look like him. Why do you insist that I do?" Crowley said, already knowing one of the reasons I picked out the shirt.

"Yes you do, even Aziraphale thinks so. But that's not the only reason I'm getting it. I love Doctor Who and finding merch for the older seasons can be difficult if you don't want to shop on amazon." I explained to him. I looked down at the couple of things in my hands before I remembered the other shirts I had picked out. "Oh and I also got us matching Queen shirts, I figured since we listen to them all the time you enjoy them, so I thought you would like it." I told him, showing him the matching shirts.

"Aziraphale only agrees because he knows I don't. And thank you, Love, for thinking of me." He thanked me for the shirt. Now I know he probably won't be caught dead wearing it out of the house but It's nice that he isn't fighting it. "Now let's pick out the Funko's and get going, the angel invited us out to dinner." He said, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I smiled at him and finally settled on three Funko's from Jujutsu Kaisen and headed to the counter. "Ok, but before we go meet with Zira, we have to go to a garden center and get you the plant I promised." I said as we walked out of the store, with Crowley now holding me to his side so I can't run off again.

He just laughed and we kept walking out the mall towards the Bently, marking the end of our 'relaxing' day. It was always nice to spend time together even if I tend to get side tracked.

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