Bakusquad Comfort - bakusquad minus sero

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Total word count: 3323

Parings: Bakusquad(minus sero) X Transmasculine! reader

Summary: Monoma is a dick, outing you to the entirety of classes A and B. How does the Bakusquad comfort you?

Warnings: Transphobia, Monoma is Dick, talks of binding and testosterone, canon typical violence mentioned, Monoma is an ass, some cursing, I think that's it let me know if you notice more.

A/n: This is just a few little drabbels of how different members of the bakusquad respond to a Transmasculine reader being outed by Monoma, full disclosure I do not like Monoma fight me on it. Anyway some of them may be a little ooc but I haven't written for them yet so this is what i got. Can be read as platonic or not. Enjoy, and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate. REQUESTS ARE OPEN

Being a student at U.A. has been a dream come true. I've been able to use it as a new start, people know me as Y/n the guy who has an earth manipulation quirk and not the girl who thinks she's a guy. The only reason I say that is that none of my classmates know I'm Transgender. I haven't told anyone, not because I'm embarrassed but because I'm scared of how they will react to the truth, especially with how long I've kept it from them. I feel like I'm lying to them in a way but I don't want them to hate me for it, so I've just kept quiet. I'm sure I'll tell them when I'm ready.

On a different note I do truly feel like I belong here, like people see the real me, a fun, energetic guy who just wants to help people. The group I hang out with the most is the Bakusquad, consisting of Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Denki, Sero and Me. We are a strange group for sure, being unofficially led by the stubborn Bakugo, and the rest of us being somewhat over energetic, but we get along well. Having movie nights in the living room of the dorms, and messing with Bakugo in our free time. I couldn't ask for better friends.

Though everything came falling apart when we went to training ground gamma to face off against class B. We had been separated into 5 groups per class and paired off for battles. I had been placed in the fourth group and so I had to sit back with the rest of the students as group one started their match. We had for the most part stayed with our own classes, not mingling too much, just commenting on strategies and predicted outcomes.

Everything seemed fine until the match ended and the teachers were prepping for the second match. Neito Monoma decided to pop off with some absolute bullshit.

"The scum of Class A only one because of Shinso, I bet if it was the other way around Class B would have prevailed. Class A isn't anything special." He said with a laugh not caring that he was being a dick. "I would wager the rest of the matches will be a clean sweep."

As the second set of teams left, I started getting irritated because he just kept going. Going as far as to insult Aoyama. I couldn't take it anymore, and I snapped. "You know, even if he doesn't have great control of his quirk, Aoyama is ten times the hero you will ever be. So why don't you shut your pathetic mouth and be respectful." I said getting in his face, surprising the rest of the students around us.

Realizing we had everyone's attention, Monoma decided to take advantage of the situation. "Oh, the liar of Class A wants to lecture me on respect." He laughed out, confusing everyone including myself. "You think you've been sneaky about everything, but I figured it out. Visiting Recovery Girl every few months to fix your ribs, the giant hoodies you wear in the evening when you walk around campus, and the pharmacy deliveries every couple weeks. It's a miracle your class hasn't figured you out yet, but then again they aren't the brightest." Those comments wouldn't mean anything to anyone else but I knew exactly what he meant. I watched in silent horror as my classmates tried to figure it out, and he just smirked. "That's right Class A your dear Y/n has been lying to you this entire time. SHE is transgender and has been lying to you about it. Wanting you to believe she is just a normal guy going to school to be a hero, But how can you be a hero if all you do is lie to your so-called friends." He announced to both classes, outing me to everyone.

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