Ignore fate - Kirishima

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Word Count: 1519

Paring: Kirishima x reader

Warnings: none that I know of

Summary: Based on the above request form my tumblr

A/n: Hello, thank you for the request. I hope I was able to accomplish what you were hoping for. Any ways, enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

The string had been there as long as I could remember. Looking at it reminded me that somewhere there was someone who was perfect for me. That somewhere in this hellish world my soulmate is waiting for me. And while I would love to embrace the fact that I have a soulmate waiting for me, I can't. After watching two people fall in love thinking they were soulmates, only to meet their real soulmates ten years later, I was afraid.

Sure the red string was not a soul bond that could have misinterpretations like the tattoos or first words some people are stuck with, but I couldn't help but worry. It does a number on a person to be abandoned because their parents found their real soulmates and didn't want to bring the memory of their mistake into their new lives. So I decided it would be best if I never found my soulmate. I would never go out of my way to find the person tied to me by fate.

Well that was the plan anyways. Never search for the person and if they get close enough to see that we are connected, turn the other way. I wasn't rejecting the bond but I was not going to acknowledge it. Having seen the pain it caused my parents to reject their bonds before they gave in told me that the only option was to ignore it like it didn't exist. But again that was the plan before I got into the U.A.'s hero course.

The first day of school showed me just how hard it was going to be to ignore the bond. After all, the red string led directly to the red haired hero in training that sat only a few seats away. Even knowing that he could see where the string led and his numerous attempts on the first day to talk to me, I did my best to avoid him. Whenever the boy with the sharp toothed smile would approach, I would go the other way or start a conversation with someone else in the class.

After a few weeks of successfully avoiding Kirishima, it seemed he understood that I didn't want to acknowledge the bond. And so I let my guard down. I began to relax when he was around, I wouldn't immediately leave the area when he walked in. Hell, I even started having conversations with him. But even with my guard down, I refused to say anything about our bond.

It wasn't until we had the summer training camp that someone started to ask me questions about my soulmate bond. We were sitting around one of the tables having just finished making dinner when Mina decided to start asking questions.

"So Y/n, you've never told us about your soul bond." The pink girl said, not being subtle about where she wanted to take the conversation. "We've all talked about ours, so what's yours? Have you met them yet?" She interrogated me.

I involuntarily looked at the string on my finger, sure only me and my soulmate could see it but at this moment it felt like it was a flashing sign that all could see. "The red string, and no I haven't found them yet." I answered, fully aware of the lie and the pair of red eyes burning into the side of my head.

There was a course of giggles from the girls around me before Mina spoke again. "Wait, isn't Kirishima's bond also the red string? Could he be your soulmate?" Of course she would know, they had known each other before they came to U.A.

Taking a quick glance at the red head, I shook my head. "No, it's probably just a coincidence." I said hoping she would drop the subject. Luckily it seemed she accepted that answer, turning the conversation towards Jiro. Being thankful for not having to lie more I sighed, but I couldn't brush off the wave of sadness that washed over me.

Soulmates were brought up once again once we moved into the dorms at U.A. It was a few days before classes and it was now apparently Kaminari's turn to talk about the class's bonds. "Is it true that you and Kirishima really have the same bond but aren't soulmates?" The electric boy asked as we sat in the common area.

I have no idea how we got to this topic from what pokemon we think each of our classmates would be, but I knew there was likely no chance of changing the subject. But before I could respond with the same thing I had told Mina, another voice cut me off. "I highly doubt that's likely. The red string is one of the rarest bonds, so one of you is lying about your bond or you are soulmates and refuse to say it." Bakugo said, shooting a glare in my direction from where he sat on one of the many couches.

"Or we really do have the same bond and we aren't soulmates and this is just a crazy rare instance." I said, hoping he would drop it.

"Yeah right, keep telling yourself that. But the longer you ignore it, the more it's going to hurt you." He said with a scoff.

The way he said that told me all I needed to know, Kirishima had told him that we were soulmates, and that I was ignoring it. "Why would you care, Bakugo? It's not like you accepted your soulmate right away." I said, having heard about how long it took for Bakugo to accept that he and Deku were soulmates. "Don't tell me how to deal with my soulmate problems when it took you years to deal with yours." Before anyone could say anything else, I stormed out of the room, bumping into Kirishima on the way.

"What just happened?" I could hear the redhead ask as the doors to the elevator closed behind me.

Knowing that I would probably have to face the aftermath of my outburst, I sat in my dorm waiting for whoever knocked on the door. And just as I expected while watching the door, the red string slowly pulled tight, indicating my soulmate was closer now. Opening the door, I was greeted by Kirishima giving me a sad smile. "We should probably talk about everything." He said.

"You're probably right, I suppose I can't avoid this forever." I motioned for him to enter the room. Sitting on the bed, I watched as he sat at my desk. The room filled with an awkward silence as we thought of what needed to be said. After what felt like hours, I spoke first. "I'm sorry."

Hearing the words, Kirishima looked at me stunned. "For what? You haven't done anything wrong, if anything it's my fault for telling Bakugo instead of trying to have a conversation with you." He said, trying to take the blame for himself.

I shook my head. "I'm not talking about the Bakugo thing, I meant what I said there. I mean I'm sorry you are stuck with me as a soulmate. I'm sorry you have to deal with someone so scared of being hurt, that they would ignore their connection to try and protect themself." I said, fighting back tears towards the end.

The silence that followed was heavy as Kirishima processed what I had said. "I do not hold any of that against you. I may not know the details on why you avoided me, but I know you probably had a good reason. You never outright rejected me, instead you just ignored the bond. At some points it hurt that you didn't acknowledge that I was here, but knowing that you didn't reject the bond gave me hope that someday you would come around." He explained. "I'm not asking for you to accept me right now and I'm not expecting for us to rush into anything. I would just ask that you allow me to be there for you and help you through whatever is holding you back." He finished, moving to sit next to me on my bed.

Knowing he was being honest with me caused the tears I was holding back to fall. "Thank you, and again I'm sorry I caused you any kind of pain. I can't promise that I will ever be ready to be anything more than friends but I'd be okay with getting closer." I told him, looking in his direction with a sad smile.

"That's all I ask." He responded, placing a hand on my cheek wiping away a tear that fell. "We will go at whatever pace you are comfortable. And if you wish to just be friends for the rest of our lives, who would I be to deny my soulmate's wishes." His sad smile shifted to his normal bright and happy one. At that moment I knew that no matter what happened, Kirishima would be there for me. His smile washed away my fears and slowly began to crack the walls I had put up around my heart.

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