Birthday Twins? - Satoru Gojo

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Word count: 1338

Paring: Gojo x reader

Summary: What was supposed to be a night out alone to celebrate your birthday, turns into meeting another soul alone on what is apparently also his birthday.

A/N: Happy birthday to the Beautiful Gojo. I feel like at this point this Fic event has turned into celebrating different anime character's December birthdays, but you know what, that's fine. Anyway, thanks to [ena] for the idea for this one, as well as the one coming out on Hawks' birthday. I hope everyone enjoys and remember to hydrate or diedrate.

Birthdays suck, especially when you've spent every one alone. It doesn't help having your birthday so close to such a major holiday. Everyone thinks oh your birthday's right before Christmas it must mean double the presents when in reality half the time people completely forget about your birthday. It's all about Christmas and the other winter holidays, birthdays come second.

This year though I decided it'd be different, I may not have anyone to celebrate with, but I can still have a good time. I planned a night out for myself, going to a nice dinner followed up by a couple drinks at the club. So to start my night of fun, I got dressed in my best outfit.

When I got to the restaurant, I got a few sad looks from bystanders, who I assume felt bad for me going out by myself. But I don't care, I'm going to spoil myself and have a good night.

Ignoring the pity glances, I enjoyed my meal. I had a small chat with the waiter before paying and heading out for the rest of my night.

Making it to the club, I was greeted by the loud and chaos filled environment which people expect when going out. I weaved my way through the crowd, finding an empty place at the bar, and politely waved down the bartender.

After I received my drink, the bartender decided to strike up a conversation. "So, what's a pretty thing like you doing out here alone?" They asked. I just rolled my eyes before thanking them for a drink, walking to an empty booth, to just watch the crowd.

Settling into my seat, I looked at my drink, the bartenders words making me think about how truly alone I am at this moment. Sighing to my self, I raised my class in a mock toast, "Well, Happy Birthday to me." As I was about to down my drink, I froze, having heard the exact same sentence in a more masculine tone from right behind me. I quickly turned around to see a white-haired man with dark sunglasses looking directly at me as well. Stunned, I couldn't think of anything to say, the only thing coming to mind was 'fuck he's hot'.

Noticing my stunned state, the attractive stranger spoke first. "Seems like we're both in the same situation, care to discuss over a drink" He said with a smirk. I jumped, not expecting him to offer company. I guess he took my surprise as an answer and moved from his spot to sit across from me in my booth. "The name's Satoru Gojo. Nice to meet you." He introduced, while sitting down.

"Um Y/n Y/l/n, nice to meet you." I said, still processing the events of the last few minutes. "So it's also your birthday?" I asked the most logical question to start this conversation.

Gojo just smiled before responding. "Yup, figured I'd spend it watching people make poor choices." He said, gesturing to the club full of drunk people. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you spending the day alone?" He questioned.

Figuring this was better than drinking my thoughts away, I responded. "I don't have many friends, and even if I did, they would probably forget about my birthday anyway, everyone always does." It was harsh, but the truth, forgotten birthdays were extremely common for me growing up. I watched as the man across from me frowned slightly. "So, Gojo, why are you spending the day alone? I'm sure someone as handsome as you, has at least one person to spend the day with." I said in a slightly flirtatious manner, trying to lighten the mood.

I watched as he smirked slightly at the complement before responding. "Actually, with my line of work, I don't have much time to get out. Plus, it's too dangerous to drag someone into my lifestyle." Now that piqued my interest, what did this guy do for work that was so dangerous.

"Well, then what do you do for work? What could be so bad that you don't have a partner in life? Are you a criminal or something?" I asked, hoping to have not over stepped.

It was clear that he had to take a moment to decide whether to answer or not, but when he sighed, I knew he made his decision. Finishing off his drink, he started talking. "It's difficult to explain, the most I can say is that my job is to keep people safe, and it's agreed upon by everyone in this field that I'm the best. Trust me, I'm not trying to be cocky. It's the truth, everyone looks to me for help when they can't fix something." He said, looking down at the table. I took a moment to process, this guy wants me to believe that his job is so dangerous he can't tell me much other than the fact that he's the best.

It is hard for me to believe, but the look on this man's face told me he was being truthful. "Well, if people rely on you that much, you have to at least have some friends to talk to?" I asked, hoping to learn more.

I watched as a gentle smile took over his face. "Yeah, I do have a couple friends, but the ones I talk to most are my students. I'm teaching them how to do this job so they can take over when the older generation is gone, but sometimes it feels like they're actually my kids." He spoke about these students like they were his world. "I honestly don't know where I would be without them."

"So you're the strongest and a teacher, what can't you do?" I joked, earning a laugh from the man across from me. "But in all honesty, it's amazing that you're teaching the future generation. I may not know what it is your job entails, but it sounds like guidance is a good thing to offer to them." I smiled, making eye contact with him over the edge of his glasses, taking in his bright blue eyes for just a moment.

He smirked, noticing that I was amazed by his beautiful eyes. "Thank you. Now, enough about me and what I do, What does the wonderful Y/n do for work?" He asked, shifting the conversation.

Snapping out of the trance his eyes put me in, I thought for a second. "I just work at the mall. Nothing amazing, just a simple customer service job." I explained, looking off to the side. Here I am talking with this guy who teaches the next generation of what ever job he does, and all I do is try not to get yelled at by cranky people all day. It's obvious that he's way better off than I am.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed by that, I don't think I could survive a day dealing with entitled karens and grumpy assholes." He said with a laugh. "Plus, without people working in customer service, this world would crumble." It was clear he was trying to make feel better about it.

I just smiled in response before thinking of another topic, as work was a boring on for me. "Ok, how about a change of topic, What is your favorite food?" I asked, hoping to smoothly change focus, but still keep talking.

From the smile on his face, I could tell he was fine with the change of topic, as he went on to explain that he's a fan of anything sweet and began listing some of his favorites.

That's how we spent the rest of the night, talking about anything from our favorite food, to what shows we were currently watching. Sure, I started today thinking it was going to be another lonely birthday, but fate was on my side and showed me someone to connect with. Hopefully if this goes well then on our next birthday neither of us will have to spend it alone.

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